Chapter 6

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{Your pov}

Due to recent news,my mind has been..bleh.Lori is pregnant.She doesn't know who it is or if she should keep it or not.If Im bein' honest,I think it's Shanes.They were sleepin' together when Shane told Lori Rick was dead.Which was fuckin' stupid.How do you get over the "death" of your husband you've been with for over 10 years. Maybe it was a way to cope or some shit,yet it was still wrong.

{3rd person pov}

"All right, everyone's gettin' a new search grid today."Rick said as everyone gather around the truck."If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl 'nd Y/n found,she might've gone further east than we've been so far."Rick explained.

"I'd like to help."Said a man coming from behind.
Everyone turned to the man."I know the area pretty well and stuff."Daryl watched as he struggled to put his jacket.

"Hershel's ok with this?"Rick asked

The man thought for a moment."Yeah,yeah.He said I should ask you."He said."Alright then, thanks."Rick said with a nod.Y/n looked at him.

"Nothin' about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me.Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse."Shane said from inside the car.
"Anybody includes her,right?"Andrea asked.

Y/n looked at Shane."Shane just likes to kill everyones hope."Y/n said."Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high."Daryl said measuring out a heighten with his hand.

"Its a good lead."Andrea said."Maybe we'll pick up h..."Y/n zoned out,watching Lori do laundry behind everyone."Y/n."Dale said.Y/n looked back at Dale.He was holding Y/n's pistol out to her to take.Y/n took the gun and put it in her belt.They all stared at her confused why she was zoned out."What?You wanna cookie or somethin'?Thanks for the gun."She said and walked away.
Daryl looked at her kind if concerned.


Y/n and Daryl pushed through the bushes on a horse.Y/n looked at the back of Daryl's head.
"Why do I always get stuck with you?"Daryl asked."Because they don't like us.Send the two freaks away with each other."Y/n said plainly.
"I know we've only known each other for a little while,but I gotta a question."Y/n said changing the subject.Y/n felt Daryl tensed up when he heard the words.

"Do you think I'd be a good mom?"Y/n asked. Daryl soften and let out a small sigh."The hell kinda question is that?"Daryl asked.

"Never mind,I know you wouldn't know much,just wanted know."Y/n looked to the side.Daryl stopped the horse and looked at her."Ya pregnant?"He asked with a small hint of worrisome in his voice."No,just wonderin'."Y/n mumbled avoiding eye contact.Daryl cleared his throat.

"Seein' how good ya are with kids,Carl,Sophia,I think ya would."Daryl said.He moved the leash on the horse,then making a clicking noise.The horse started to move again,slow and steady.

"You'd be a good dad too.You may look tough,but I think under that,you're all soft."Y/n said awkwardly."Yea,sure."He rolled his eyes.

Daryl saw a squirrel,raised his bow and shot it.He moved the horse a little and pulled it off the tree."Dinner."He said shaking it on the arrow.
"Can't wait."Y/n said sarcastically."You don't have to eat it.Just extra,we got a lot of people." Daryl said.

"What do ya like?Maybe you'll start eaten' more if I caught somethin' you like."Daryl said.
"Why do you care what I eat?"Y/n asked.

{Till the End} Daryl Dixon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now