Chapter 19

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{Your pov}

This wasn't the first time this happened.I hadn't expected it to be the last.I couldn't let that happen to Maggie.She didn't deserve it.But now she's seen it happen.She's traumatized.She also saw my scars..The thing I tried to keep secret for a good reason.Glenn has seen them as well,all those people have seen them.

Now Im sitting bra less on the floor.It's fucking freezing in here.

Daryl's gonna come.I know he is.He noticed we've been gone too long and he's gonna come get us.He's gonna find out what Merle did and..I don't know what he's gonna do.I do know he's gonna be mad.He will.

{3rd person pov}

Y/n picked at her burn scar on her hand then winced as she opened it up and it began to gush blood.Y/n then heard people fighting outside the door.She looked at the door,but didn't want to move.She scooted more back to the wall.

She heard Maggie's voice shriek from outside.
"Let him go!" Y/n was shaking from the cold.

"Give me the gun!" Merles voice yelled back.
"M-Maggie?!"Y/n shivered.Y/n stood up covering her chest and walked over to the door slowly.

She placed her hand on the cold on the metal door.She turned and gently placed her back against the wall.She slid down.

"I hope you're okay.."Y/n breathed.

It was quiet for awhile until she heard an explosion.Her head slowly moved to the door.
Her eyes feeling heavy.

The door kicked open and Daryl pointed his crossbow.He turned and saw Y/n.

"Y/n.."He exhaled lowering his crossbow.
"Daryl.."She smiled weakly.Daryl took off his vest and put it on Y/n and buttoned it up."You okay?They hurt ya?"He asked,helping Y/n up.Y/n shook her head. "C'mon."He said.

"Where's Maggie and..and Rhee?"Y/n asked.
"They're fine.Focus on you."Daryl said,wrapping one arm in Y/ns waist,another he held Y/ns hand over his shoulder.

They ran out while the fog was still there.They ran into the a small little building and hid out there.

"Ya okay?"Daryl asked Y/n,setting her down.Y/n nodded.

Daryl had a moment to look at Y/n.He was shocked seeing all the scars on her arms,he looked away then walked over to a window.Y/n crossed her arms and tried to hide her scars.
Maggie came over and gave Y/n a side hug.

"Thank you,Y/n."She said.Y/n stared down at her hands.She nodded.She felt to disgusted in herself to look or even touch Maggie.

"Daryl,this was Merle."Glenn said."You saw him?"Rick asked."Uh-huh,face to face."Glenn said."Threw a walker at me.He was gonna execute us."Glenn explained.Glenns face was all torn up from the beating Merle did.

"So my brothers this governor?"Daryl asked.
"No,it's somebody else.Your brothers his lieutenant or somethin'." Maggie said."Does he know Im still with you?" Daryl asked."He does now.Rick,Im sorry.We told him where the prison was.We couldn't hold out."Glenn breathed out.

"Don't.No need to apologize."Rick said,frequently checking different windows.

"They're gonna be lookin' for us."Y/n said."We have to get back.Can you walk?"Rick asked Glenn.

{Till the End} Daryl Dixon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now