Season 3 introduction

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Rick and everyone had been on the run looking through houses and houses to find food and shelter for good.Now that Lori was 9 months pregnant,she needed a safe place to have her baby.

They soon find a prison that they make home.They clear the yard and then the first cell block.

While doing so Hershel gets bit and they need amputate it so it doesn't spread,not knowing if he'll live.

They meet prisoners that spent ten months locked into the cafeteria of the prison.They try and kill Rick and the other.Soon some had to be killed,or they'd be putting their group in trouble.

They start to clear out the yard of the prison to make crops.Then comes an issue with the prison killing multiple people from the group.

Y/n and Daryl have a conversation.Y/n got attached but she was okay with it because Daryl has too.It its rare.

She was comfortable with the group and felt safe.Y/n trust the group more than she thought would months ago.

While out on a run with Maggie and Glenn,taken by an old friend.Tortured into giving their camp away.

A lot has happened since then.They knew they'd go to war with these other people,known as woodbury.They prepared and won.

They saved a ton of people from woodbury who were lied to by the governor.

Chapters of season 3 coming soon..

Season 3 chapters are hella long

I think only like two or three are one thousand words.

{Till the End} Daryl Dixon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now