Chapter 26

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{Your pov}

When the world turned to shit,I trusted people.
I trusted people too easy.Thats how I ended in shit groups and made too many enemies.Thats when I knew I couldn't trust anyone anymore.
That was until I came across a group that changed everything.If you thought the Atlanta group,you thought right.Then I met a whole ton of new and amazing people.I have a boyfriend,I found..Simone.Hell,I found Maci and Ellis now.
Daryl,Judith,Rick, Carol,all of them.

They changed me.I already lost the one most important person in my life,I can't lose anymore. Right now,my head is filled with Carol.Her being hit keeps replaying in my head.I want it to stop.

{3rd person pov}

Y/n watched the water slowly drip into the canteen.She could hear the thudding from Sasha breaking the benches in the church.Bob had died the day before that.Sasha loved him,and he was bitten.They had killed the people from Terminus that tried to kill Rick and the others for food.
The thought of those people made Y/n sick to her stomach.

Ellis came up and licked her face.That made Y/n
turned her head and see Gabriel.He staring at the church.They were destroying it after all.She stood up and dusted her hands off.She walked over to him.

"Are you going to take the cross,too?"He asked Y/n.Y/n shrugged."If we need it."She says back.
Daryl came out with pipes.He sat them down on the steps and took one.He stuck it in the ground with the point sticking out.Y/n grabbed one and did the same.Gabriel left shortly after with an upset look on his face.

Y/n wiped her forehead from sweat and exhaled.
Daryl touched her arm.Y/n looked up at him.

"We're gon' get 'em back."He reassures.Y/n nodded,still heavily breathing.


Y/n fixed her jacket,watching Rick said goodbye to his kids.In her opinion he shouldn't go.He's got kids that need him.

"We'll be back soon."He said to Carl.Carl nodded.

"I know."

Y/n picked up her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

" be careful out there."A voice said from behind her.Y/n turned to see Maci.

"I will.Always am."Y/n said.Maci looked at her.

"Sure."Maci raised her eye brows,dragging the e in sure.

"Alright kid,ya gonna hug me or just be a sarcastic asshole?"Y/n crossed her arms.Maci wrapped her arms around Y/n and held her tightly.Y/n kind of enjoyed it up acted like she didn't.She didn't hug back either.

"Keep an eye on Ellis for me.Carl and Jude too."
She said,then walked next to Daryl.


"At sundown we fire a shot into the air.Get two of them out on patrol.Then once it's dark enough that the rooftop spotter won't see us,we go.We cut the locks on one if the stairways,take it to the fifth floor.I opened the door,Daryl takes the guard out."Rick explained,drawing a map on the floor.

"How?"Tyreese asked.

"He slits his throat.This is all 'bout us doin this quiet,keepin' the upper hand.They're not expecting us.From there,we fan out.Knives and silenced weapons.We need to be fast."Rick said looking at them.

{Till the End} Daryl Dixon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now