High Class Henry

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"I'll meet you at the big station."

Henry whistled loudly, and readied for the guard's whistle. By the time it did come, Henry was brewing with anticipation, and snorted into life!

"Not so rough!"

The coaches snapped.

"Must be as smooth as possible for our special guests!"

Henry just wheeshed steam. He felt his face flush red for a moment.

"Focus Henry."

His driver cut in.

"They always try and claim that, just keep calm."

However, it proved to be far more difficult than he first thought. First some of the people with cameras stood dangerously close to the lineside. Then as he passed the station by the river, Byron hadn't cleared the junction. Once he clattered past, Henry was growing crosser and crosser.

"Can't get any worse..."

He whispered through gritted teeth. Of course he was wrong.

A car had broken down at a crossing along the mainline. So as Henry neared the radio station, the signal showed red.


He managed to splutter out.

"An... And we were going so nicely too..."

As they slowed to a crawl into the station, a group of people stood atop the foot bridge, all holding expensive cameras. They snapped as many pictures as they could, it all was overwhelming. And, as he passed under the bridge, he let out a sudden and abrupt whistle! It echoed out across the station. One of the men holding a camera jumped, the camera, and all the gear attached to it slipped, and toppled off the bridge! Landing with a sickening crack right on Henry's done! Cracking it down the middle!

"My dome!!!"

Henry squealed!

"You've ruined it!!!"

His face flushed a bright red, his crew tried to sooth him, but it did little good.

"Yo Crimson... I've never seen him so angry in my life."

His driver whispered, the stoker nodded.

"Henry's close to blowing his top, we should at least put something over the dome?"

But they didn't have the time, they had to go.

"Never mind old boy."

His stoker soothed.

"We'll mend it at the big station."

But they never had the chance to do it.

In between Edward's station, and the station where Duck had crashed all those years ago, it is an open strip of line. Outside the forest, it was mostly empty of signals, points and distractions. It was a favorite place for high speed running, of course, there is a speed limit, especially around the viaduct. However, Henry was still in such a bad mood, he didn't see the sign. Or he chose to ignore it. Who can say?

As they started crossing the viaduct, it happened. A sudden gust of wind kicked up, it blasted Henry and the train with force! Henry thought he was in the clear. However, the wind had other ideas, it wrapped around his dome, and before anyone could say 'Fat Controller' his dome split in half! Rocketing off him like a bullet! One disappeared into the valley! While the other smashed into the camera aboard the helicopter! The camera fell, landing on the roof of the vip coach with a loud thunk!

"What on earth!"

Henry cried, his driver looked back, and gulped.

"And we're dead."

Henry came to a stop at the junction. The station was crowded, news crews, tourists, any to all sorts were waiting. Henry's mood hadn't improved, all he wanted to do was catch his breath.

At last, the helicopter landed, and out stepped a very angry director. He stormed over to Henry and his crew, and pointed crossly!

"You ruined my camera and my shot!"

He snapped.

"Now everything will be ruined! It's all your fault!"

Before his crew could reply. The vips hurried over, all being quite over dramatic. The guard following.

"Are you trying to spoil our outing!"

The wife squealed!

"My children were so frightened they almost had heart failures!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

The husband added!

"Call yourself an engine! No one-"

Henry finally had enough! He had been pushed to his breaking point. He blew steam in all directions!


He snapped.


Before he could go off more, his driver had him uncoupled. And Henry was drawn out of the station, and away from the flabbergasted onlookers.

Thomas took the train on, as Henry was cooled down.

"Good riddance."

Henry's guard sighed, wiping her glasses carefully.

"Nothing but rude they were, glad to see the back of it."

"No point even fighting this one."

His stoker sighed.

"Goods train for the rest of our lives I sense."

"Better than putting up with that!"

Henry cut in.

"I mean every word I said to that miserable lot."

Shockingly, when Henry returned home that night, the subject of Henry's outburst wasn't even brought up. And as Henry and Douglas' driver erm... 'got to work' he thought he was in the clear. Until the shape of a stout gentleman appeared in the sheds. Henry's heart sank. But to his surprise, The Fat Controller wasn't angry.

"Fine work today everyone."

He said, smiling.

"I'm very proud of you all."

He turned to Henry.

"While I'm not best pleased about what happened at the junction, I know it can't be helped, If anyone asks, I told you off."

"Oh sir!"

Henry whistled with delight!

"So, what did you learn from that?"

Barry grinned, Henry thought for a moment.

"Hmm. I have no idea. Didn't learn a thing!"

Barry raised an eyebrow, and looked to Douglas, who just sighed.

"One day lad. One day."

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends: Into The Boob Verse.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora