Chapter 9: Comfort

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"Why are you pouting baby" I ask softly and she lets out a little huff before turning her back to me.

"Well I don't mind the view" I said and whistled a little and I could practically feel her roll her eyes.

Walking up I wrap my arms around her waist and place my head near her neck.

"Come on what's wrong" I said softly and I heard her sigh.

"You flirt with her a lot" she whispered and I nodded my head a little.

"I do" I said in agreement and she pushed me off.

"Because you like her right" she said a bit mad and I rolled my eyes.

"Lisa we've had this conversation before" I said and she scoffed.

"Yeah you said nothing could happen and you didn't care, but clearly something can happen" she said practically enraged.

She stomped around throwing a bit of a tantrum causing me to laugh a little.

"God you're hot when you're mad" I said, shaking my head a bit.

"Lisa, calm down," I said in a soft tone.

"And then you called her fucking princess" she growled out still ranting about what had just happened and I let out a little sigh before walking over to her grabbing her face and placing my lips on hers.

When her body relaxed and she reciprocated I slowly parted from her.

"You wanna know the difference in the situation" I asked looking into her eyes and she took a big breath before nodding her head.

"You're the one here with me right now" I said and a small thing seemed to click in her eyes as she stared at me.

"God Lisa, I know I shouldn't touch you but I look at you and you've got some weird fucking spell over me or something because from the moment I saw you even though you looked disgusted with me I wanted to know what it would be like for you to look at me the way you are now" I said and took a small breath.

"To feel your skin under my fingertips" I whispered before trailing my fingers down her arm to her hand.

"I know it's wrong and what I did last night can screw me over in ways you don't even know, but I wanted to" I stated while looking back up to her eyes.

"You're tempting Lisa, and I relished in it last night" I said, smirking a little.

"I was with you Lisa, not Rosé or any of the others, you" I said reassuringly and she placed her head on my chest.

"I know we shouldn't, that's why I looked at you that way when I first saw you, because I wanted you but couldn't have you" Lisa whispered.

"And then I heard you and Rosé the other day and I saw it as an opening, I know I shouldn't have but I acted on it clearly" she said with a small fake chuckle.

"I know we can't be together because of the situation especially in front of other people, but I don't exactly want to see you with someone else either and I think I get jealous of Rosé because I see how you look at her and how she reacts and I feel like I'm losing the small chance I could have had" she said before taking a deep breath.

"Baby" I whispered and she looked up at me again "we can't be in a conventional relationship" I said and she bit her lip before nodding.

"I don't understand what I'm feeling towards you or Rosé, and kind of the others, but it's not something I'm supposed to feel, that much I know for sure" I said taking in a breath myself this time.

"I can't fully promise what you want me to, but I can promise to be here when you need me" I said while bringing my hand up to cup her cheek with a soft smile on my face.

"And maybe with a few kisses here and there" I said just above a whisper causing her to lean up and press her lips to mine.

The kiss was soft and slow, her lips made mine feel like they were pressed against a feather, I almost felt like I was on a cloud until she pulled away.

"Thank you Y/n" Lisa whispered as she looked up into my eyes.

"Of course Lisa" I said before I pulled away a bit farther. 

"You should probably head back to your room though before they find out and all murder me together for touching you" I said and she laughed.

"I guess that would be smart but" she started to trail off before pulling me towards her once again.

"I think I have an issue" she said and concern filled me.

"What, what's wrong?" I ask worry filling my voice but what she does next doesn't fully surprise me.

"I'm not wearing any panties" she whispered in my ear in a sultry tone causing me to grip onto her waist a little tighter.

"You're such a fucking tease Lisa" I growled out as she began lightly kissing my neck.

A small moan leaves my lips when she hits my weak spot and I could feel her smirk against my skin before she bit down a little.

"Fuck" I whispered while trying to control my breathing.

"You have to leave Lisa, before I can't hold myself back" I said while pushing her away.

"I don't want you to hold back" she pouted cutely giving me her innocent look causing me to tilt my head.

"Oh baby you went crazy last night and I held back a lot, trust me you wouldn't be able to handle it" I said and she bit down on her lip causing me to stare at them.

"Go" I whispered and she rolled her eyes going to exit the bathroom.

Once she made it a bit farther I reached out and smacked her ass causing her to gasp and look back at me in shock.

"Fucking love your ass" I groaned causing her to smirk and shake it a bit before she walked out.

"What the fuck have I gotten myself into" I ask myself while shaking my head the smile on my face still present.

"I'm so screwed" I said before groaning and walking into my bathroom to get ready for the day.

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