Chapter 36: Morning

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I grunt my body shifting a bit to get away from the poking feeling on my face "Y/n" my name was whispered in my ear in a sing song tone.

I let out a small sound turning my head a bit to the sound not wanting to open my eyes but the poking feeling comes back causing me to move my hand up to my face before I turn away to my left side.

"Y/n I want cuddles" the voice came quietly but demanding and my face scrunches up at the thought of moving.

"Please" the whisper came this time directly next to my ear and I let out a small huff before turning back onto my back and opening up my arms.

"Can we go in my room, instead of sleeping on the couch" she asked and I nod sleepily pulling myself up off of the couch.

Her hand grabbing mine to walk my sleepy figure down the hall to her bedroom pulling me over to her bed.

I lay down rather quickly and hold her in my arms by eyes closed the entire time not wanting to be awake.

I hear her sigh content her body quickly relaxing in my hold my arms wrapped around her waist as her head lays on my chest.

Hours pass and I wake up my vision blurry but I realized I'm spread out across a mattress all alone.

I look down at white sheets below me, my eye scrunched up, I don't really remember having to get up off of the couch last night.

I let my eyes adjust to the bright light streaming into the room, my eyes slightly scrunched up due to the white sheets around me.

I let out a small grunt as I pulled the top half of my body up just a bit to look around the room, the thing sticking out to me was the hello kitty piggy bank on the dresser.

"Jisoo" I called her name out, my voice a bit deeper due to how sleepy I still was as I looked around for her.

I sit up fully and turn around and see her come in through the door way "look who's finally awake" she said a cute smile on her face as she leaned onto the door frame.

She was wearing what looked like pink silk pajamas, her red hair falling around her face and down her shoulders rather flawlessly.

She pushes herself off of the door frame and steps closer the small pink dress flowing with her body as she moves and I clear my throat.

"Are you blushing" she questioned quietly moving even closer to the bed.

"No" I stated my eyebrows furrowing a little bit as I stared at her and she moved next to the side of the bed leaning her face closer to mine.

"Are you trying to tease me kitten" I asked my eyes flickering down to her lips as her hands moved to the mattress around me.

"Not yet" she whispered her lips inches from mine and I brought in a small breath, I don't know what took over the kind diplomatic Jisoo but my god I could die at this moment.

I look into her eyes for a moment before looking back at her lips and she smirks a bit "what has gotten into you" I questioned quietly and she moves closer.

Her body moving onto mine "nothing" she whispered her legs straddling over my own as she sits on my lap her hands finally moving off of the mattress her hands gently grazing over my abdomen before they went up, her arms going over my neck.

"You're really trying to tempt me right now aren't you" I said raising an eyebrow my hands gripping her waist as I stare into her eyes.

"I'm not trying if it's already happening" she said an innocent look in her eyes but her tone came out cocky and seductive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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