Chapter 17: Making Up?

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The small footsteps came closer to where I was when I heard a small sigh before the fridge door opened, causing a small bit of light to go through the dark room.

Getting up, I walk towards the girl.

"Lisa, what are you doing? It's the middle of the night," I whispered from behind, her causing her whole body to jump.

She looks back at me with a heated glare before closing the fridge and rolling her eyes while going to walk back to her room.

"Fuck no," I grumbled while grabbing her arm and tugging her back around to look at me.

"What is wrong Lisa?" I asked as she continued to glare at me.

"Doesn't matter," she stated, and I scoffed.

"If it didn't matter, I wouldn't fucking ask," I said with a bit of rage in my voice as she ripped her arm away from me.

"It really doesn't matter Y/n" she stated, getting a bit upset herself.

"Why don't you just go talk to Rosé? I'm sure you're plenty good at that, actually it wasn't talking, so why don't you just go fuck her," she said, turning to go stomp away to her room.

Grabbing her again, I pin her against the wall.

"I never fucked Rosé," I stated, and she scoffed.

"Don't lie to me Y/n" she said, and I shook my head a bit.

"I'm not lying to you, Lisa," I stated, and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"You are mad at me because you saw us together walking out of the bathroom," I stated, but she just raises her head up and looked to the left.

"You never let me tell you what happened," I said in a whisper.

"Doesn't matter, I don't want to know how you touched her, okay," she said, tears almost threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"I didn't, we didn't," I said, and she just scoffed once again.

"She came into the bathroom after I was already in there because she saw my arm," I finally stated, while letting go of her and leaning back and she looked over at me, confused.

"My mother isn't the most loving," I said while letting out a small sigh.

"Rosé saw it and patched me up," I said.

"Oh," she whispered, "but you like her," she stated, and I sighed.

"I do and she knows that and so do you, clearly, but she also knows I have feels for you and I don't want to hurt you," I stated, causing her whole body to stop.

"God seeing you look at me the way you did Lisa it hurt like hell all I wanted was to run after you and force you to let me talk but I knew you wouldn't believe a word I said especially with how pissed off you were," I ranted not fully paying attention to the footsteps getting closer to me.

"It hurt so fucking much and I'm not used to caring for people to that point, and I would do anything to make it up to you but," I continued to rant until I got cut off by a soft warm pair of lips on my own.

Reaching out, I grab the back of her head while pushing my lips farther against hers.

Slowly, she pulls back, causing me to whine a bit at the loss of contact.

"I'm sorry" she whispered "I didn't mean to hurt you I was just so upset and" she explained but I cut her off this time by kissing her.

She gasps into my mouth, causing me to smirk and I walk forward, causing her back to hit the wall once again.

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