Chapter 30: I'm Going

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'This is the longest fucking conversation ever, does she even shut up' the thoughts kept swarming in my head but I kept a soft smile plastered on my face as Sofia continued to rant about something I lost interest in about an hour ago.

"Maybe we should all go out this weekend" I heard Naomi say snapping me out of my thoughts.

"That would be so much fun" Ella laughed before looking over at me "don't you think Y/n" she asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm sure it would be great" I said smiling back at the girl.

"How's Friday night we could do a sleepover in our dorm after class?" Sofia asked, looking over at me expectantly.

"I'm a bit busy Friday night, family stuff" I said with a sad smile.

"You can't get out of it" Naomi asked and I shook my head no.

"Family's important and I'm still trying to get used to having so many people together at once, it's always been my mom and I so I'm trying to get to know and understand what it's like to have a bigger family" I explained and they nodded in understanding.

"You should definitely spend time with your family then" Naomi said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, if anything we could always do a different weekend or maybe meet up like Sunday night or something" Ella added on and I smiled nodding my head.

"Thanks guys" I said when an arm brushed over mine causing my body to tense up.

"Hey Y/n" I heard Jennie say next to me causing me to let out a small sigh and my body to relax.

"Hey" I said with a smile as all of the girls stood there looking a little stiff.

"What are you guys going on about?" Jennie asked softly and I let out a small hum before pointing over to them.

"They want to hang out this weekend" I said and her eyes widened.

"Can we come?" Jennie asked when another girl ran over.

"Where are we going?" Lisa asked a bit out of breath from practice.

"Probably lunch or something" I said with a laugh while looking at the disheveled girl.

"We wanted to do something Friday but I heard you guys were busy" Sofia said with a bright smile but I could see how forced it was her teeth clenched just a bit.

"Oh yeah, really busy" Jennie said with a laugh as an arm wrapped around my shoulder causing me to look over at Jisoo.

"Family dinner" she said with a diplomatic smile on her face.

"We should probably head out so we can get dinner for tonight though, I'm hungry" Jennie pouted from next to me and I let out a laugh.

"Okay, we'll get going soon," I said with a smile on my face.

Sofia stepped up getting closer to me but Rosé appeared out of nowhere standing in front of me.

"Well this has been fun, see you tomorrow" she stated in a cold tone tilting her head to the side, but there was no welcoming scattered on her face whatsoever causing the girls to step back but Rosé's eyes were stuck on Sofia.

"Well we hope to see you all Sunday as well" Naomi stated nodding her head to herself.

"It'll be tons of fun" Ella said excitedly from next to the raven haired girl and she threw out some jazz hands causing me to laugh.

Rosé never responded; she just kept staring Sofia down the blonde doing the same back causing everyone to go silent.

"We should get going so we can at least get Jennie something to eat" I said and the others nodded but Rosé stayed rooted in her place.

Forbidden Taste (Black pink X Fem Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя