Chapter 10: Dresses

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A few days passed and we didn't have the world of encounters but now I was stuck in a room with all four of my soon to be sisters a day before my mothers wedding, as we all got dresses fitted on us.

Sitting in the back in a chair my mother stood in front of the mirror while staring at the dress that was placed on her body.

The white lace-like material fell down around her and she tilted her head to the side.

"Y/n" she said suddenly causing me to look up, standing up I walk closer while tilting my head down a little.

"Yes mother" I said in a whisper and she looked over at me.

"You have semi good taste what do you think of this one" she asked while flipping a bit of her hair behind her shoulder.

Taking a deep breath I examine her body up and down before speaking.

"It hugs your curves in a good way, enunciating your breasts and hips, the slit on the leg says seductress but the lace and overall design scream elegance" I said while circling her.

"It would definitely need an up-do for the hair style, but I'm sure that's something you were already planning on doing" I said to gain a stern nod in return.

"A diamond around the neck would suit it perfectly, like the one you got about a year ago dainty and shiny" I said before tilting my head with a light grimace before taking out my pocket knife.

"But the bow is absolutely horrendous" I stated as I cut it off causing the four girls to gasp.

Making a few minor adjustments to the dress myself "and now it's perfect" I stated while putting the knife back into my pocket.

My mother let out a hum while looking at the dress all over again while the workers looked at me in horror.

Staring at my mother in anticipation, any confidence I had drained from my body as she stayed silent and worry filled my chest.

"Its perfect" she whispered and my eyes widened in surprise as I let out a small shaky breath.

Stepping back she nodded to the workers "pack this up for me" she stated while stepping down from the stool.

The lady quickly rushed around my mom while exiting the room with her.

When she left an invisible force lifted off my shoulders as I plopped back onto the seat while letting out a sigh and running my hands down my face.

"That was impressive" Jennie stated and I sent her a small nod.

"Thanks" I whispered before leaning forward and resting my elbows on my knees. 

"Has your dress been picked out yet" Jisoo asked and I shook my head no in reply causing her to nod back.

"Do you think you could help us?" Lisa whispered and the other girls glared over at her.

"Yeah of course" I said with a soft smile and she beamed back at me.

One of the lady's walked into the room and took a deep breath. 

"I was told you all have to wear shades of maroon," she said in a questioning tone.

"Yes ma'am" I said, nodding my head and bending down a little to show respect.

"Alright let's get started then" she said while letting out a small sigh in relief.

"Why don't you come up first dear" the lady gestured to Jisoo.

Slowly Jisoo got up towards the woman who pulled row after row of dresses out all different shades of maroon.

Jisoo stood proudly as the woman approached her "please pick some that would make you feel comfortable and we can try them on" the lady said motioning to the rest of them.

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