Here for eachother

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Hi guys first if sorry for taking so long to update I go to school five days a week and then I work weekends so it's hard to find time .

Secondly this chapter is set after carina walks out of the hospital room. It took long to write this fic cause I kept making it sadder but decided to end it how I hopefully see the future sooo enjoyyyxx

Danielle's Pov

I walk to my trailer with my head down hoping no one will see me . Luckily no one did and I let out a sigh of relief as I slam my door shut behind me . Today was probably the hardest day filming . Every time they made Stefania reshoot walking out of the hospital room my heart broke a little more each time . This was taking such a toll on not just me but definitely on Stef .

When I looked at what we had shot with Peter and saw how Stefania had improvised covering her ears I tried not to break down right there . Seeing her like that , knowing what has been going on for her in real life and then having to film that scene I just couldn't imagine what she was going through .

This was gonna be a great acting experience for me but I can't even think about it like that anymore . I know fans are going to be upset but it's just television. All I can think about right now is Stefania . She had disappeared after the scene and I didn't want to go after her and invade her privacy .

Before her sister past away we were getting closer than ever . I started feeling things more for her and I think she felt the same . I couldn't stand watching her going through what she did . I can never get over how brave and beautiful she is .

I sigh , getting up from the couch to get out of this makeup and into the comfort of my own clothes . As I do this I hear my phone beep . Picking it up to check it I see it's a message from stefania .

"I need you Danielle"

Is all it says . My heart sinks . Scrambling to reply to her message .

"Where are you Stef"

"In my trailer"

And I run , leaving everything behind ,across the lot to Stefs trailer . I don't even bother knocking before entering the room . My heart breaks at the sight of Stefania sitting against her couch . Her scrub top gone but she still has her bottoms on .

"What happened Stef" I say going to sit beside her but not touching her yet just in case .

"I got sick" she sniffles her voice sounding hoarse . "I have cried so much Danielle" she says her sobs beginning to pick up again .

"I know baby , I know , can I hold you" I ask as she picks her head up out of her hands . She nods as she throws her body into my arms . I catch her and help her get comfy on my lap . I lean back against the couch as I bring Stefania as close to my body as I can . Her head laying on my chest with her legs on either side of my body , straddling me.

I pull her long , thick hair down out of its updo . I hear Stefania sigh through her soft tears as I massage her scalp .

"Your okay , Stef I'm here , I'm right here" I whisper against her ear . I can't help but think about how small she feels in my arms . It isn't the first time we are in this position. Many girls nights , movie nights or cuddles after hard days have ended like this but this is different . Stefania has always fitted so perfectly in my arms , her nose pressed against my neck as she claims my smell comforts her . But today it's as if she's trying to make herself smaller by hiding away , burrowing as deep into my body as she can .

I run my hand up her bra clad back and whisper sweet comforting words against her ear as I hear her relax .

"I'm sorry" she eventually whispers out .

Stef and Dani oneshots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora