Haters can hate

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This is just a quick one . I had work today so I'm really tired and cant think so this is just a filler till I come up with more ideas xox

Dani's pov :

Today I'm doing a live . Just a quick sit down and Q&A because the fans had been begging . Me and Stefania have been together for a year now the fans only found out about a month ago and they have been exploding the internet. I was gonna ask Stef to join in but when I woke up an hour ago she was still sleeping and she is still sleeping now . I hoped she was gonna wake up on her own but she didn't . And I can't wake her up .

I walk into our bedroom . Tiptoeing quietly over to the bed . Since I'd woken up she'd curled her body around my pillow , Jeff was lying basically on top and they looked so adorable. It was our day off today and Stefania clearly was gonna take advantage of that but I can't blame her she is exhausted. I'm quite tired too but I'm such a morning person and love starting my day early which I'm pretty sure is the only thing Stefania despises about me .

I lean down and give her a quick kiss on the head "my sleeping beauty" I mumble . "Come on Jeff let's leave mama alone" I call out in a whisper  as I walk out of the room. Jeff following me happily down the stairs .

I set up my phone and sit down realizing how undone I look after doing the laundry . I turn on my phone and start the live ."hi everyone , I think this is working hello" I say as I see a flood of people joining . "I hope everyone is doing okay" I say trying to read the comments as they speed past . "Okay before I start with the questions from the box I just wanted to answer the question that keeps coming up right now" I say seeing this comment a million times " the answer is I don't know if Stef will be in this particular live cause she is sleeping and I don't have the heart to wake her up so she might join later" I say hoping the fans will get the message so I can answer all the station 19 related stuff .

"I know you guys want more content and we want to give it to you ,we have had such a busy schedule getting the season fininshed for you guys and today is our first day of in months so I can't wake her up ,because she was so tired last night" I say seeing all the comments .

Awh they are the cutest
Stefanielle forever
Omg the way she says stefs name
Omggg hope stefania wakes up
They are so adorable

My smile grows on my face "okay guys let's get started on these questions"

*20 mins later*

"Lots of making out with stefania" I say answering the last question . Just as I say this the door to the work room opens "oh speaking of Stef" I say looking up at her but when I do I get really worried . She was still in her pjs shorts and her tank top  she had a bed head and the worst part were her eyes were all swollen like she had been crying . In that moment I completely forgot I was on live .

"Omg baby what's wrong hey" I say pushing my chair out from the table "Danielle" she whimpers walking over and straddling my lap burying her head in neck . I could feel my T-shirt get wet with her tears but I didn't care . "Okay baby what happened hmm what's wrong" I said rubbing her back . She just mumbled incoherently into my neck . "Okay baby I'm still on live I'm gonna turn it off ok" I said going to reach for my phone "no plz finish talking with the fans" she says as she looks at me eyes stained with tears . God what happened "are you sure" I ask "ye yes but can I stay here" she says pointing to my lap "of course you can baby girl but after this we are gonna talk ye" I tell her holding her close to my chest" "yes please"

When I glance back at the live I see my phone blowing up and I chuckle "they think you are adorable even when your upset" I say kissing Stefania's head . When she doesn't respond I realize that she's crying again . "Okay baby you are still crying what's wrong" I ask her "I read them" she sobbed out "read what princess" I ask getting her to look at me "the hate comments on my post they think I'm ugly and they don't like me I'm annoying" she cried out and my heart just breaks .

I've had experience with hate before and luckily for me I had fans who stuck up to me . When I met stefania i always made sure she never read those comments because I know they hurt and I don't like seeing her hurt .

"Oh baby why" I asked her holding her close as she broke down "I don't know" she cried out . "Okay okay I'm gonna turn off the live okay" I say as I turn my phone off and put it in my pocket  . I really need to calm her down I don't want her having a panic attack . I stand up with her in my arms and walk us up to our bedroom . I think the walk and the soft rock of my movements calmed her down as when we got to the room she was sniffing. "Okay baby listen to me okay , I'm always going to protect you from these things as much as I can but all I can tell You to do is not to read them" I tell her as I kneel down in front of her and hold her hands . "But they are all right arnt they" she says so upset I've never seen Stefania get upset over things like this as usually it's me.

"No absolutely you can't think that Stefania you are beautiful and so brave and I love you so much okay and that's all that matters I don't want to see you hurting" I tell her hoping she will understand "okay but some of their words hurt me Bambina" she said her lip quivering "I know and they always will but we need to take it on the chin and move on I know we shouldn't have to but we do , we have to let the haters hate okay cause you know what their may be people who hate you who hate us but they are all jealous baby and you have so much more people who love you " I tell her hoping she believes me "ye your right your always right" she say smiling , I've never been so happy to see her smile .

"I love your smile baby I hate seeing you cry" I say wiping her tears from her face . "Omg your live I completely ruined it" she says burying her face in her hands "hey no baby look at me" I tell her hoping she'll obey "ye good girl look at me when i tell you that  you did not ruin anything I'm pretty sure the fans are more happy now I think that's the most content we gave them since our relationship announcement" is tell her and she starts giggling . "Cmon baby let's go get some food and then binge watch some movies for the rest of our day of okay" I tell her as we walk out of the bedroom . I can tell todays going to require a lot of reassurance but I'm so glad to help her like the many times she helped me . We were made for eachother I can't imagine living without her .

I take out my phone to leave it on the counter when I realize my live hadn't ended . Omg people heard the whole conversation. Before I could freak out I hear stefanis come up behind me "Bambina look there are people giving out about people hating on me on Instagram and Twitter , omg they are all standing up for me how" she says looking really confused

"My live never ended love" I said biting my lip "Omg belline" she's says laughing "we both are technologically not savvy" I laugh at her and pull her in to kiss her "I love you so  much and so do all your fans" I say against her lips " I'm glad I have such good fanbasw to stand up for me but I'm more glad to have you I love you Bambina" she says and I lean in to kiss her and lift her up onto the kitchen counter .


This was just a quick one . I kinda flipped the tables and I had Danielle looking after stefania lol

If you got to meet them today I hope it went well I really wish I was able too 😭
I'm also like rlly scared for season 6 but anyways

Hope you enjoyed x

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