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This is just a cute to make up for the fact that I forgot to post for the last two days

Dani's pov :

I woke up because of a loud bang . The bedroom was dark but And I can't see Stefania beside me . I see a flash of lightning through the curtains and I jump .

I've always been afraid of thunderstorms. Ever since I was small . One time I was home alone with my sister Stephanie and usually when their would be a thunderstorm she would come and cuddle me and we'd watch movies . But this time she had her secret boyfriend over and had told me to stay in my room . I was so scared and I couldn't get help . After that I'd never asked for help again during thunderstorms I would just stay up and cry .

This time was no different . I leaned over to check my phone and realized it was 3 am . I shine the light from my phone around the room and see Stefania had turned the other way . Another strike of lightning struck and I shook with silent tears . We have to be on set at 7 am and now I wasn't going to get any sleep .

Stefania's pov :

I woke up and hear thunder and lightning. I realize I no longer have Dani in my arms and turn around to find her . But when I turn around I see her huddled up against the headboard with her head between her knees shaking crying .

"Hey hey Danielle what's wrong" I say my voice raspy with sleep . She didn't answer me and I assumed she couldn't hear me . Why is it so dark in here? I lean over and turn in the lamp beside my bed fumbling trying to find the switch . I eventually get in on sighing in relief that the electricity isn't gone .

Once the light turned on I can see Danielle clearer now and I can see she isn't breathing well . She's hyperventilating and holding her chest . She's having a panic attack . I instantly strip of my top leaving me bare from the waist up .

"Hey baby I'm just gonna move you okay" I say to her even though I know she isn't paying attention . Her eyes are everywhere but me . I strip her top over her head as well with a little struggle because of her tense body . I slot myself in behind her leaning her bare back against my bare chest .

"Breathe baby with me come on" I say and her breathing starts to even out . Skin to skin contact always working . "That's it ya just like that" I say as I let out a sigh of relief.

Once her breathing is back to normal another clash of lightening is heard and she jumps around in my arms . Nudging her noes into my neck , our bare chest together. She lets out a painful whimper .

"Oh Bambina what's wrong hey" I tell her having no idea what's going on "m scared" she mumbles out .

"Of the thunder and lightning" I question rubbling her back in soothing circles "ye scary" she says sounding really small and vulnerable. I've never seen Danielle clingy like this before only when she is sick . She is always the one offering hugs and affection . Panic attacks for her happen too often . Over small things and big things but once she evens out her breathing she is usually fine . So it worries me to see her like this .

"Okay well it sounds like it's going away okay and you know it can't hurt us" I tell her trying my best to reassure her . "Just loud" she mumbles out "I know Bambina but you need to sleep we have to be up early tomorrow" I tell her "m'know just can't" she tells me "would it help if I help you really tight" I say giving her a kiss on the head "maybe" she whispers . I lay down flat on the bed and Danielle's lays out completely on top of me .she sighs moving her head to find my heartbeat .

"Go asleep baby I'll wait till you fall asleep" I tell her running my hand through her hair . I love Danielle's hair it's always so soft and the little sounds she makes are so cute . "Love you" she says kissing my bare chest "love you more Bella"

How'd did I get so lucky

Your getting two tonight so the other one should be up aswell so go check it out xxx

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