Tough day

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Okay so you are getting two tonight . I wrote the last one because it was requested and I wrote this one for self care. This is how I choose to cope with that episode I have to separate maya and carina from Dani and Stef so here you go

Danielle's pov .

Today we had to film the fight scene between maya and carina for season six episode one . It was extremely tough on both of us but I could tell Stefania was finding it so tough . She kept apologizing for shouting at me and we both kept crying .

I love her so much that it hurts . We've been secretly together for a couple months now . I'm pretty sure like everyone knows but no one questions us .

I wanted to do something for her tonight . She is always taking care of me , she cooks for me , cuddles me and holds me and now I think it's time I repay the favor.

"Hey baby" I shout as i see Stefania walking with her head down towards her trailer , she turns around and puts on a weak smile for me . "Hey Bambina" she says holding out her arms for me . I don't say anything as I hug her , my body falling into the perfect mold as if her arms were made for me .

"Come over tonight" I ask looking up at her my head still on her chest . "I don't know Bella I have to go over to the greys set and I might not be back till 9 or 10" Stefania's whispers out sounding so tired and drained . "No baby I don't mind please come over ,we can just cuddle and sleep come on you know I can't sleep when your not there" I pout trying to guilt her into coming over so I can take care of her .

I'm not feeling too great myself . Maya this season is going really dark but Stefania is there constantly to support me through it and now it's my turn.

Stefania rarely excepts help . She's been fighting her own battles for years now having left home so young and she doesn't know how to just let someone else help her for awhile . I was planning on changing that .

"Okay Bambina I'll text you when I leave here" she says kissing my lips softly. I pull away and lean back into hug her . "Bella I have to go now" she laughs running her hand through my hair . "I know I know I'm just cozy" I say snuggling down into her neck in the middle of the lot in the cold air just inhaling her calming sent . "Your the cutest you know that princess" she says gently kissing me before walking away .

Once I arrive home I let the dogs outside and sort them out for the night. I don't bother thinking about food because I know Stefania won't be hungry . So I go up to my bedroom and set up the bed to sleep in . I lay out my sweatpants and pj shirt as well as one of my station 19 shirts for Stefania to wear . It's her favorite  shirt that she stole from me not to long ago but eventually brought it back because it didn't 'smell like me anymore' so I made her a deal and said I'd keep it here for her to wear when she's here .

I chill out for a while untile I get a message .

Beautiful <3 : Be there in 20 Bambina xo

I smile down at my phone and head into my conjoining bathroom . I pull out two fresh towels and lay them on the radiator to heat up . I light a few candles around the bathroom making sure to put them in safe places before running the bath making sure the water is really hot just the way Stefania likes it .

I hear the door open downstairs and I rush down to greet Stef at the door . "Hi pretty girl what's that lovely smell" she says pulling of her jacket and leaving her shoes at the door .

"I ran a bath" I tell her smiling widely . "Oh you did" she says coming over to kiss me . "Are you going to join me in this bath" she laughs walking up the stairs . "Well if you want" i reply thinking maybe she wants time to herself . "Of course I do come on princess" she tell me leading me to the bathroom . Ugh I'm supposed to taking care of her not the other way around.

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