Teasing the fans

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This was not supposed to be smut but it is now cause things happen so your welcome I guess ...... so smut warning

Danielle's pov :

"No seriously it's my favorite thing about being with you" Stefania Laughs as we set up the camera for our WeChat Wednesday . "Teasing the fans?" I question . "Yes it's so funny cause they think we're together" she states . I know what she's trying to do .

Bit of background. Me and Stef have been together for awhile now . All the fans of the show make edits of us and try to say we are together. Which obviously we are but Stefania's likes to play dumb . We aren't necessarily not aloud to tell the fans . We got the go ahead a couple weeks ago but Stef won't let me tell them because she likes teasing them .

"You're so mean" I pout , not finding this funny anymore . "Hey bambina I'm only messing , of course we are together but I do enjoy teasing everyone and I love everything about being with you " Stefania's says coming to sit down beside me on the couch .

I pull away and curl into myself pretending to cry . "Hey baby no , no tears , I didn't mean it Danielle" she says getting upset herself .

That's when I look up and start laughing . I jump onto her lap and she grabs onto my waist . "Got you" i laugh . "I hate you" she huffs . "Oh really Stef cause that's not what you were saying last night , you remember when I had three fingers inside of you and you were screaming my name and if I remember correctly you then squi-" I say in her ear before I'm rudely interrupted by a spank on my ass . "None of that Bambina , god and I'm a tease" she states rolling me of her lap .

I laugh loudly as she sets up the thing . "Okay let's keep it cool okay but I want to tease them a little" Stefania's says . I love the enjoyment she gets out of this .

"Okay one kiss before we start" i say batting my eyelashes at her . " I can't say no to you" she smiles kissing my lips . "I love you pretty girl" she whispers pulling away . "I love you too" i smile .

Stefania's Pov :

I decide I need to get Danielle back for teasing me on the couch . I realize I can kill two stones with one bird or something like that (America idioms am I right?) by teasing Danielle as well as teasing the fans . God this is going to be fun .

I tell Danielle to hide behind me so we can surprise everyone , since this is the first live we will do together in person . I sit down on the couch and start the live .

"Hello everyone" I say " it's so nice for you all to join us"

Spamilove: usssss ????
Dani-Stef : wait is someone else there

"So we have a little surprise for you" I say slowly . Danielle pops out from behind me and runs to hug me . "Surpriseeee" she says . God she is so adorable .

Savrelover: ommfffggg
Spamisavreee :I'm dead I'm on the floor
Greys.19: omg this is not real
Marina.Stef: the hug omg

The comments explode as Danielle stands up . I put my hand around her waist while she leans over to read the comments . I bring my hand down to her ass and squeeze . She looks back at me and furrows her eyes brows . I just wink at her .

"So what are we gonna talk about today Bella" I ask Danielle .

Spampidancer: it wasn't just me that saw that ?
Greysverse: ugh Stef we all saw that
Stefanielle : I'm freaking out
Danisbae: I mean if it was just a look I wouldn't blame her but did you see her hand ?

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