When in Paris

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I accidentally changed the preset of these and can't seem to change it back lol so you the second chapter is the first once I wrote but it really doesn't matter what order you read them in find the one I actually wrote first lol this was like third or fourth but oh well x

Dani's pov :

I've been in Paris for a day now and today we are meeting Stefania as she has only just got here . I haven't seen her since Milan and I'm so excited .

Stef's pov :

I just landed in Paris for the convention I'm super excited to meet all the fans but I'm nore excited to see Danielle . I think I have feelings for her though like more than friends feelings . I've  tried to put them off but I can't anymore . She's just so beautiful. I have so much fantasies of what life with her could be like . But it can never happen . I wouldn't want to ruin what we have.

As I'm walking down the street thinking in my head I hear my name  being called . A smile instantly grows on my face when I see my favourtite person running towards me .

"Hiiiiii Danielle" I say as she throws herself around me in a tight hug . I hold onto her and bring my hand up to hold the back of her head . All I can think about is how perfectly she fits against my body . She pulls away all too quickly for my liking and says her hellos rambling on about how nice Paris is but I'm not listening I'm just staring at her getting lost is her gorgeous blue eyes .

"Kay guys let's take some videos for Instagram okay" Maddy says and takes out her phone .

*couple hours later*

I've spent the whole day with Dani and now we were gonna go get drinks with everyone . Once we were in the bar for awhile I go up to get us more drinks . Once I turn around I see this guy (ugh) with his hand on Dani's arm . Her back is to me but she's definitely not pushing him away .

The only thing I can do is turn around and drown my sorrow's in alcohol.

Dani's pov :

I was just chilling in the bar I wasn't drinking anything I had one aperol and then stuck to soda because of the convention starting tomorrow. As I went to go tell stef I didn't want more alcohol this guy cornered me "hey beautiful can I buy you a drink" he said the smell of alcohol strong on his breath . "No Umm I'm actually here with some friends" I say really uncomfortable I'm hoping someone sees me and comes to help as I'm so bad in these situations "ah come on baby I'll get you a drink and we can dance maybe you can come back to my room" he said putting his hand on my arm gripping me too tightly. I froze for a moment but then pushed him off "no thanks I'm actually gonna go" I said and tried to get away .

Once I got away I walked to the bathroom "god why people want to be with men is beyond Me" I whisper to myself thinking back to how uncomfortable he made me feel calling me baby like only one person in my life calls me that and she does it in Italian I mean I don't think I'd mind if she said it in English... stop .

I go to the bathroom and just breathe for a few minutes. When I go back out I decide to find Stefania and leave for the night . When I go back to the bar I can't find her anywhere after looking around I find her on the dance floor with some girl . I push down the jealousy and go and grab her hand .

"Hey Dani what are you doing I was dancing" she  slurs out clearly drunk . "Cmon let's go up to the room" I say pulling her into me so she doesn't fall "nooooooooo I was having fun with am ugh I forget her name I have to go ask her" she says as she tries to walk away "no Stef come on let's go to bed we have to be at the convention early tomorrow" I whisper trying to stay calm .

"Oh ya of course you would remember with your big beautiful brain" she continues to ramble on stroking my face . I try to refrain from laughing at her and we continue up the elevator

"Kay Stef where's your key" I ask tryna get into her room so I can put her to bed . "Why you tryna get in my room huh" she say flirting with me . Stefania can be quite flirty but I know she never really means anything by it , I don't think . "Cmon Stef I just need to get you hydrated and sleeping"

We eventually get into her room and she gets in her pjs . As I'm pulling back the covers and she sits underneath them she say " you know I'm in love with you and you don't even care" I can tell she is still drunk and sleepy but I stop . Does she mean that ? I decide I'll talk to her about it tomorrow. Do I love her back ?

I tuck her in and go to leave but she grabs me . "Please stay with me" she says with a pout . How do I say no to that? I just strip down to my underwear and get in beside her I go to set n alarm on my phone and she hits it out of my hand . "Hey what was that for" I say annoyed "all you attention should be on me" she says acting like a child . "Okay let me plug this in okay" I say Leaning over and plugging my phone in "fine" she says and starts rambling about how pretty the sky is .

"You are very drunk" I laugh "drunk me no I'm not" she says sitting up fast . "Oh the world is moving does it always do that" she says tilting her head looking seriously for an answer . "Let's go asleep" I say folding my body around hers . It's not the first time we've slept like this but I with stefanias confession I wonder if it could mean something more . As I start getting excited I feel her turn in my arms . "You know I meant what I said" she say a before closing her eyes.

Stefs pov :

I wake up in the morning with a pounding headache . I feel for Dani beside me only remembering briefly falling asleep beside her . As I turn my head she wakes out of the bathroom in her White robe her golden hair now a brown color because it's wet but she looks so beautiful .

"Hey" she says "no too loud" I moan out my head ringing . "Here" she whispers laughing handing me a tablet "thanks , did I embarrass myself last night" I ask having no clue what I said or did . "Am well I got you out quick enough before you could do anything" she says " are you sure did I say anything" I ask as she goes behind the wall to change " well you did confess something" she says sounding nervous "oh god what did I say"

Dani's pov

I don't know should I tell her but I want to know was she telling the truth "you told me you love me that you were In love me" I said not looking in her eyes "oh" is all she says "ye am I don't know you were drunk" I chuckle nervously god how is this gonna go "well ya but it's true" she whispers picking at her skin " really your in love with me" I say suprised "no am I don't think so probably not" she says " so you said your In love with me but now your taking it back" I say getting angry and frustrated.

"No I'm scared Dani these are scary feelings this could ruin everything and you probably don't feel the same way I mean why would you I'm me and your well you I don't deserve someone like you but I love you I do and I'm sorry I told you cause now it's ruined and-" she rambles out all at once but I cut her off the only way I can think off . I Press my lips to hers for a moment the whole world stops and I pull away " I love you too stefania I mean it took till now for me to fully realize but i do god I do your so beautiful and it's me who doesn't deserve you" I say out of breath "baciami Bambina" she says and I smile and lean I to kiss her again . We kiss and it's like everything in the world is okay when I'm in her arms .

Stefs pov :

Omg I can't believe this is happening it feels like a dream I can't believe she even likes me . Kissing her is like the best thing in world we move back onto the bed and ...

*awhile later*

We lay together after the best sex ever omg I never knew it could be this good We are torn out of our bliss by a knock on the door "girls ye need to get ready" comes a voice "ughhhh I want to stay here forever" Dani says "i know me to" and I kiss her head

We spend the whole convention meeting Fans all the while stealing glances and kisses when  no one is looking I try to touch her whenever I can because I miss her even when she's in the same room as me just because we arnt touching .

God I love her

Dani's pov :

God I love her


Thanks for all the reads , don't know how I feel about this literally wrote it in school x I will update frequently if I don't feel free to Spam the comments so I will xoxo

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