A Sparkling Discovery

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No ones POV

It was a normal day for the Decepticons, unusually normal day, meaning no fighting the Autobots, no missions, no energon mine findinh, nothing, though only one thing was different and it was Starscream, the Seeker has been spending more and more time in his berth room and not outside.

Starscream would be suddenly overprotective if anymech would come near the door, giving them death glares as a warning of some sort. But when they do get the opportunity to enter the Seekers room an alarm would go off which made everyone startled, seconds later a Seeker could be seen at the door way holding a weapon in his servos.

Though, one day when Starscream did leave they had a chance to re-enter the room because we all know Soundwave could turn off the alarm easily by himself. Those who got in were Knockout, Breakdown and Megatron(By force). All three of them were holding a camera to record the things they see in their point of view.

Once inside they had started to record on the cameras and had wander around the berth room that had only seemed normal, but the few things that were weird was that the vent on the top corner on the room was duct taped covered with card board, the security cameras were covered and that there were pillows and blankets that were beside the berth in a nest-like position.

About half and hour has passed and they have not found any other things. "Let's just leave, there's nothing else in here anyway." Said Knockout as he had a bored and dissappointing look on his face plates. The two other mechs agreed they should leave before Starscream had came back, but just as they were about to leave they heard chirping of a sparkling.

They looked back and what they saw had them either shocked, startled or confused. There was a sparkling. A seeker sparkling to be specific. Knockout raised and optic ridge(eyebrow) and approached the little sparkling by a few steps before stopping his movements. The little youngling then started to crawl their way to Knockout and chirped happily knowing somemech is finally there to accompany them.

The little sparkling looked like Starscream but smaller, cuter, innocent and.. less aggressive.. The sparklings main wings were a lighter tint of grey and silver with 1 or 2 streaks of red and black. The smaller wings were and darker shade of silver with the tips colored black, his optics on the other hand has a shade of dark to light purple going up to down. They also noticed that the little sparklings pedes had looked like stilettos but for sparklings, probably to mimic their carriers stilettos.

But the only questions they had in mind were, Who is the sire? Why does Starscream have a sparkling with him? Why had Starscream kept the little sparkling a secret? Was this little sparkling the reason why Starscream has been growing more protective? Questions ran around in their helm like speeading a rumour of spreading like wild fire. They had to report this back to Soundwave and the others.

Knockout picked up the sparkling who squeelled in a low yet happy tone. Once they left the berth room they went over to Soundwave immediately, especially Knockout. Once there Soundwave played a recording on Megatron talking. "What have you all discovered?" Before Knockout had showed him the little sparkling who was recharging silently in Knockouts arms.

Soundwave strided to Knockout and the sparkling before picking them up. "Carrier: Who?" Asked Soundwave before Knockout answered. "We're not quite sure, though there's a probability chance it might be Starscream, though we don't know who is the sire." Said Knockout as he looked at the recharging sparkling.

[----------Time skip brought to you by a panicked mama Starscream-----------]

Starscream has finally returned from his 2 hour long flight and had ex-vented(exhaled) softly before speaking softly to himself. "I need to go feed my child." He said before walking through the Nemesis to his berh room, once he entered he called out for his sparkling. "Sile'? Where are you? Time to refuel now, mama's back." Starscream said to only not get any chirps, squeelling or anything from his sparkling.

"Sile'?" He called out. No answer.

"Sile' are you hiding again?" He called out once again. No answer.

"Come on now Sile' this isn't funny anymore!" Starscream said as his carrier insticts struck in, worried terribly.

"Silentscream! Come on out now!" Starscream said before searching every inch of the room, even looking through the vents jus in case, nothing. He started to pankc more before leaving his berth room and had looked around worried that his sparkling could be hurt. He checked everywhere. The dock, nothing. The throne room, nothing. Energon mines, nothing. Portal room, nothing. Everyone's post, nothing. He started to panic even more now as washer fluid prickled up in his optics in disstressed when he remembered he hadn't search one place yet. Med bay.

He ran speeding through halls and rooms and had gotten to the Med bay to hear chirping and squeelling a sparkling would do and went inside the room to see Knockout and Breakdown playing with the sparkling, they had stopped playing with the youngling as they looked at Starscream who looked livid but now less worried. "Mama!" Squeelled the sparkling as he thrashed around in Knockouts hold to break free, once they did break free they speed-crawled to their carrier squeelling and chirping happily as Starscream picked them up.

"Squeeeeeee!" Squeelled the sparkling. "Yes, yes, hello to you to Sile'" Said the Seeker as he then made a glare at the other two. "Now tell me how did you find my son, Silentscream?" Asked Starscream as he looked at the two. Well slag, this is going to be a hard fragging time to expalain to 'Screamer, he's going to kill usmlater on. Thought the twoasnthey looked at each other with glances.

                       A Sparkling Discovery

Story Word Count: 1000 words
Sooo I've decided to make a new book! Yay, also the sire of Silentscream will probably be gone, sooo yeahhhhh, fatherless sparkling- also this story is a Starscream-centric story so expect pretty much everyone x starscream but the plot twist is that Screamer doesn't know who to pick yepp
Next Chapter: Mysteries Undiscovered

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