T W E N T Y - F O U R 🥀

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"Dickless is being real pissy lately. He found out about the crimson house and tried to 'punish' me but I killed all the guys he threw at me. He still underestimates me. What a shame. Anyways, I found out that that one guy that I told the riddle to works for dickless and he's the one who told him about me. I wanted to kill him for that but dickless won't let me. I'm real hungry though. Maybe I can find Yoongi and get him to take me to dinner. He still hasn't told me where he works even though it's been 3 months now. I'll have Jimin look into it."


Jungkook sighed as he sat in a chair around all of the arcade machines. Lee was standing in front of him and the buff man was behind him with a hand on his waist.

The killer confirmed that they were together and he imagined how that would work. Obviously with the buff guy's physique he would top, but Lee was so bossy that maybe he topped.

"Did you hear me?" Lee snapped his fingers in front of Jungkook's face, catching him in his daze. "What? No. Who tops?" Jungkook smirked.

"Huh? Don't ask me that." Lee spat and backed into the buff man who scowled at the seated killer.

"Anyways. I was telling you about the next kill. And I want you to use your mask." Lee tossed the goaltender mask with the bunny ears to the killer who rolled his eyes and caught it.

"His name is Jackson Wang. He stole from me and I want him dead. Here's the file. Make this one look like an accident." Lee rambled and tossed the file too.

Jungkook sighed loudly and crossed his legs. "Anything else? How long do I have?" He asked with a bored look.

"One week. And it better be done by then." Lee snarled and turned to leave, the buff man following.

The killer groaned and got up from the chair. He left the club and stopped by his house to hide the folder and to find Jimin who was in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey." The younger greeted and hopped up on the counter beside the now ravenette who nodded to him.

"Could you do me a favor? I wanna know where Yoongi works. Can you find it out for me?" The redhead asked as he looked down at the food being cooked. It smelled amazing and it made his stomach growl.

Jimin was quiet for a while. Jungkook almost thought that he didn't hear him and was about to ask again, but the ravenette answered as he opened his mouth.

"Fine. I'll do it." Jimin murmured and met eyes with Jungkook. "By the way, Tae wants to talk to you." He said and looked back down to the food.

Jungkook nodded and hugged Jimin's side before seeking for the blue haired male. He found him in his room playing a video game. "Tae? What'd you wanna talk about?" He asked and hopped on the large bed, looking at his friend expectantly.

Taehyung paused the game and turned in his chair, taking off his headphones too. "Well...remember how I can, like, tell how a person is. Y'know I can just watch them and I'll know everything?" Taehyung rambled with his head down.

"Yep." Jungkook nodded and laid back on the bed. He took a fluffy pillow and cuddled it, playing with the fluff absent-mindedly.

"Well...it's about Yoongi." Taehyung sunk back into his chair when Jungkook's eyes glared at him. "What about Yoongi?" The killer hissed.

"Uhm...heh, nevermind, Kookie. I actually think I was wrong." Taehyung lied and swiveled his chair back to the tv on the wall. He un-paused it and played the game where he was killing zombies.

"Taetae..." Jungkook purred and walked over to the chair. He ran a hand through his friend's fading blue locks and placed himself on his lap. Taehyung paused the game again and hung his head low, nibbling on his lower lip.

Jungkook hooked a finger under his chin and lifted his head. He gazed into Taehyung's hazel eyes and caressed his soft cheek. "Tell me." He whispered.

Taehyung gulped and rested his hands on Jungkook's bare thighs. He mustered up the courage to tell his friend and took in a deep breath.

"I-I think Yoongi is a...is a c-cop."

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