E I G H T E E N 🥀

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"I'm about to kill the detective. I'm outside his house. I see him moving around and running after a small person. Does he have a kid? Dickless didn't say anything about kid so should I kill them? I'm not sure. Maybe I'll leave them alive and just knock them out."


Jungkook waited almost patiently outside of the house until the lights turned off and the people went to sleep. Inside he heard a child laughing and it made his heart flutter. He didn't know why.

"Okay detective..." He whispered when the last light turned off. "Time to die."

He slipped in through a window, almost knocking down a plant but he caught it before it hit the floor. There were many coloring books scattered around and the killer almost fell down because of them.

He heard soft talking down a hall and ran down it, pressing his back against the cold wall. The door was slightly cracked so he peeked in, seeing the detective and another man lying in bed together.

"Baby, you need to relax." The other guy murmured as he rubbed the detective's bicep.

"I can't. Y'know this killer just won't let up. I have one of my guys watching him but he hardly gives me any feedback." Namjoon let out to the other.

Jungkook furrowed his brows. "Well don't you know the killer's name? Can't you just track him down by his fingerprints or something?" The other asked.

"Yeah we have his name. But he burned his fingerprints off and for some reason he never leaves any evidence. No hair follicles or nothing." Namjoon said.

"What's his name again?"

"Jeon Jungkook." And that's when the killer flung the door open.

"You say the devil's name, he appears."

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