S I X🥀

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"Hate. Hate is filling me. I destroyed my home and almost burned it down, but I didn't. I accidentally stabbed Taehyung and almost killed him. I'm a horrible person. But my heart is gone. He tore it out and ripped it to pieces. Why did he have to do that? I can't even say his name in my head or aloud. Taehyung forgave me and stupidly decided to live with me so I don't go completely insane. I love Taehyung so much. I really don't know what to do. I went on a killing spree and killed so many people. My body was completely crimson from all of the blood. I don't want him back, but deep down I do. Please apologize and hold me."


Taehyung laid beside the broken boy and cuddled him. His wound was about healed but still pained him when he moved the wrong way. He was scared for his friend.

Jungkook would out of nowhere start bashing in walls and screaming while crying his eyes out. He wouldn't tell Taehyung what happened. He didn't want sympathy or tough love.

"Please tell me what happened, Kookie." The blue haired male pleaded. Jungkook held back a sob and shook his head. "No," he croaked, "y-you'll be mean o-or give me sy-sympathy." He turned around, facing the elder with teary eyes.

"A-and if you find out, I-I know you'll d-do something to them." He clutched onto Taehyung's shirt, his body shaking as he sobbed into his chest.

"Someone hurt you, Kookie?" The elder wondered. The brunette merely nodded.

"I'll go talk to-" "No!" Jungkook suddenly shrieked, sitting up from the bed. "Don't hurt him!" He yelled, now standing.

Taehyung stood up as well, folding his arms across his chest. "Where are you going?" He called when Jungkook left the room, not missing the flamethrower in his hand.

When he heard the front door slam shut, he let it go.

Updating in class againn

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