N I N E T E E N 🥀

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"Since dickless told me that I could torture this time, I took that opportunity. I have the detective tied up in the basement with his husband knocked out beside him. They have a child, a girl. She's so cute. I'm watching her sleep and she's just adorable. I had an idea, but it's dumb. Should I keep this kid? I can rename her too if I want! OMG should I keep this kid?!!"


Jungkook hid the book and continued to stare at the sleeping girl. She was a beautiful. She had long brunette hair that laid beautifully beside her and the ends were curled into small wringlets that made the killer coo.

He reached over and gently caressed her soft cheek with a wide bunny grin. I love her. He thought to himself. But he wasn't sure of himself. Could he really be a father? He was only sixteen, but lots of kids had kids at sixteen. His elder brother had one at seventeen so what was the difference?

But she didn't have to be called his daughter. She could just be a good friend that stayed with him. Yeah, that was better.

The girl shifted in her sleep and turned on her other side. She was now facing Jungkook and he got a better view of her pretty face.

He went to wake her, but the soft sound of talking disrupted him. It was the detective and his husband.

Jungkook quickly ran down to the basement and saw that the husband was awake and trying to untie the detective from the chair he was sat in.

"Oh, no, no, no." The killer tsked and landed a punch to the husband's face. "You don't get to move unless I tell you to move." He sneered and swiped a blade from his boot.

"See, I was paid to kill you, Mr. Detective." Jungkook grinned. "But I was also told that I could torture you." He continued.

"Please don't hurt our daughter." Namjoon whimpered out, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Oh no I won't. I was thinking about keeping her to myself. She's quite a looker." Jungkook winked.

"You asshole!" The husband suddenly shrieked. "Hey, hey, be quiet. She's sleeping." The killer shushed and stood up, slowly walking over to Namjoon where he planted himself on his lap.

"Now, detective...what should I cut off first?" Jungkook took his blade and sliced Namjoon's ear off. When he screamed, the killer strapped tape on his mouth, silencing him.

He giggled and sliced the other off. He took the pieces and threw them on the husband who shrieked.

It was gonna be a long night.

Thank you so much for 1k 🎉

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