He sipped the cold water and out it down on the concrete floor and began eating his snacks. Everyone was doing their thing and he just watched them training while snacking when he felt uneasy. He stopped chewing for a second and continued after he realised that someone had opened the pack of snacks he was allergic to and he stood up and too his chair and his snacks and went to sit a bit further from everyone. He watched them from afar and continued snacking, until he felt his throat close up. And he quickly picked the bottle up, opened it and drank some water, but it made it worse. His throat began to be sore and he coughed repeatedly while he struggled to breath.

He panicked as his epiglottis closed up and got swollen that his trachea began to close up slowly. He struggles to breath and to swallow the water he drank again out of panick when the water splashed out of his mouth as his throat refuse anything going in or out, even the he breathed became limited and that when he knew...it was an allergic reaction.  He tried to stand up and go ask for help on the from his crew members but that was impossible since he took only two steps before he fell down to the cold hard concrete. He wriggled like a fish out of water when he felt an arm around his waist and the other in his neck and the last thing he saw darkness as he passed out.

Yibo was busy with his sword skills when he stopped and noticed that Zhan was not practicing, they were supposed to practice together for a part in which Lan Zhan would get mad at Wei Ying and fight him after he realised that Wei Ying was hiding the fact that he used demonic cultivation to his sister. He liked around and he couldn't see him. He sheathed the sword he was carrying and walked away from others looking around when the boy ran toward him and stood on his way.

"Mr Wang...where are you going? If your looking for  Zha-..I mean Mr Xiao the he went back already. He kept saying he was hungry before he finally walked out."

Wang Yibo liked at the boy in his eyes and they were so cold that the boy shivered a little with goosebumps on his arms before he averted his eyes and looked down to the empty floor. Yibo didn't say anything to him but he stepped away from his and headed towards the exit leaving the boy where he stood. He was about to walk out when he heard a scream from Lulu Xuan (Jiang Yanli) and he liked to where she was, that's when he saw the small figure of a man lying in the cold floor before he ran towards them. He had realised that it was Zhan even when he was still too far from him because he felt his heart beat threaten to collapse. He ran towards them and called out to Zhan when he realised he was struggling to breath.

He remembered Zhan telling him that he was allergic to many things and he looked at what he was eating and he saw an opened pack of snacks and saw that it was the normal snack that Zhan always ate, but when he smelled inside, he realised that there were a mix of two flavours if not more. He concluded that someone must have swapped the snacks but he didn't have much time. By then, everyone had started to gather around them making it impossible for Yibo to investigate further. He gave the snacks to Lulu Xuan and said...

"Hold that pack for me, I know how to help him since he showed me all his medication just incase. I will find you later and please bring those snacks wherever you go, don't let them out of your sight. I will find whoever responsible. "

Zhan lost consciousness and Yibo picked him up bridal style and carried him toward the exit and to their room. He opened the put in the key card with his hand still holding Zhan's neck and only used his fingers and opened the door. He walked in and went to place Zhan in his bedroom and laid him on his bed before going back and close the door. He did everything quickly that he even had memorized Zhan's pills and he knew which ones to give him.

He followed the steps Zhan had told him to take just incase if he had a allergic reaction and the other option was sending him to the hospital when he's done with the first aid. He took out his phone and called a number and hung up in a few minutes after talking for a few seconds and types in the location before putting his phone back into his pocket and went to pack some stuff for him and Zhan to bring. Like toothpaste, toothbrush an stuff like that as well as three sets of changing clothes and one set for Zhan and he took his phone and dialled the last number on his phone and it was connected within three rings.

"Hello Zhan Zhan...you miss your mā so much that you called me twice today (chuckles).."

"Mrs Xiao, this is Wang Yibo speaking . Zhan has had an allergic reaction and I will take him to the  (xxx...xxx)  hospital . I just wanted to let you know.

"What? But Zhan is always carefully, his can he get a reaction? Wait...did you give him first aid with his meditation? How is he? Is he awake.."

"Aunty...dot worry, he has shown me what to do incase anything like this happened, he's unconscious but his breathing is disturbing to me. I will meet you at the hospital, I have to go, the transport has already arrived. Don't worry too much aunty... he'll be fine. "

"Ok son...take care of him for me ok?"

"I will aunty, bye "

Wang Yibo hang up after taking to Zhan's mother, he heard the sound of their transport arriving and he took his backpack along with Zhan's and went to open the door. He walked to the courtyard of the condo and he saw two paramedics rushing towards the condo with a stretcher bed and a bag of first aid placed on the bed. Everyone followed the paramedics, they wanted to see Zhan's condition because they had thought he was going to be fine after a few hours. But what Zhan had was a serious allergic reaction which was still dangerous even after administering first aid. He needed to be taken to the hospital for further assessment by professionals, as Yibo out it to their crew members.

They all felt sorry for Zhan and some were in tears while others comforted them and Lulu was also crying, but she was still carrying the snacks pack Yibo had given her. Yibo turned back with the paramedics and led them into Zhan's room where they picked him and place him on to the stretcher before locking him with the belts around the bed for safety. They checked him and realised that he has already got his first aid and they smiled at Yibo and nod to him.

20000 word count...

AWAKENED HEART  (The first heartbeat)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora