chapter 17

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'As he turned tho,he saw something me standing i front of him,San.

Can't sleep either?".

" No". He said as he leaned againt the counter as he looked at San shyly. San nodded as he came closer to Wooyoung." You know,we never got to talk about what happened". San said,as he was know right infront of Wooyoung." Right,we should talk about it". Wooyoung replied as he looked down,not being able to look at San,making San smirk as he finally made a move.

He pinned Wooyoung to the counter,his hands on each side of Wooyoung." I think it's pretty obvious by now,but Wooyoung, i like you,a lot.". He said the words that Wooyoung has been craving for,he got confident and decided to not be shy anymore,he looked up from the ground and looked straight into San's eyes, putting his arms around San's neck, bringing him closer." I like you too". He said. San smirked and finally closed the distance between them,kissing him. Wooyoung kissed him back, tangling his hands in San's hair. San bit Wooyoung's bottom lip asking for an entrance,wich Wooyoung gladly allowed. He let out a quiet moan,wich resulted in San slightly groaning. He lifted Wooyoung to sit on the counter as Wooyoung wrapped his legs around San's waist.

They continued to make out,San had taken his shirt off  and so had Wooyoung,who was being pinned to the wall by San and they would have continued if San hadn't noticed how tired Wooyoung looked,and probably was,and realized that he was also quite tired,so he slowly backed out of the heated kiss,calming Wooyoung down." Woo,would you like to be my boyfriend?". He finally asked, breathlessly." Yes,i would like that". He said as he winked at his new boyfriend. San kissed him,but this time it was sweet and slow,full of love that was able to show how happy they were feeling. When they pulled apart,they saw that it was quite late,around 4,so they both decided to go to bed,together.

They got in Wooyoung's matresse as it was a little bigger then San's and layed down,San pulling the blanket over them,he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung,the latter doing the same as he wrapped his arms around San and hid his head in his chest.

They both felt warm because of each other and managed to fall asleep really fast, both with smiles on their faces.

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