chapter 6

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The day was now finally over and Wooyoung was really tired after having an hour of math and another hour of algebra,all he wanted now was to take a shower and sleep. He was walking out of school when he heard someone calling his name.

He turned around to see that it was San who had called him. He stopped to let him catch up with him." Hi". He said shyly,smiling as San came and was by his side now." Hi". He responded back while smiling at Wooyoung. " Would you mind if i walk you home?". San asked,a little nervous about the younger's answer. "S-sure". He said as they started walking towards his house." Do you live close by?". Asked Wooyoung." Yeah I live about 20 minutes from the school". He answered.

They were walking in surprisingly comfortable silence. As they turned a corner,San spoke up." Hey so about tomorrow, what time do you want to meet up?". He asked." How about around two?". Answered Wooyoung. San just nodded his head to show his agreement. They both continued walking,making small talk about hobby's and school.

Once they were infront of Wooyoung's house,Wooyoung took out his keys to open his door." So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?". Asked San as he stared him in the eyes. Wooyoung nodded his head as he smiled at the man Infront of him." See you tomorrow". He answered back as he opened his door wider and went inside. They waved at each other with soft smiles on both of their faces and Wooyoung closed his door after a few seconds.

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