chapter 9

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It was now Sunday noon,Wooyoung and San had been working on the project for about 2 hours and were now hungry." Hey Woo, i'm kinda hungry,wanna grab some food?". Asked San as he put his pencil down." Sur,do you want to go out or order?". Asked Wooyoung as he also put his pencil down." How about going out? I know a really good caffe not to far from here". Answered San. The younger nodded.

They got there stuff and left,on there way there,they joked around and talked about a bunch of random things,making the both of them comfortable with each other. They arrived at the coffee house,wich indeed looked good. They sat down at a table and each ordered a coffee with a couple of cookies for them to share. They talked about the project until there food arrived along with the coffee,they ate in comfortable silence and would make small talk once in a while.

After finishing their food and drinks,they decided to go out for a walk around the park,talking about anything that came to mind. They ended up buying ice cream and sitting on a bench." I really had a good time with you Woo". He said as he smiled at Wooyoung. The latter smiled shyly." I had a good time too". He replied. They both smiled at each other as they finished their ice cream. They got up and both made their way back to San's house as it was getting late. It was a comfortable silence,letting Wooyoung some time to think about stuff,meaning San.' why am i feeling so shy with him and why does he make me feel like their are butterflies in my stomach? Do i like him? It can't be that,it's to early... Or is it?".

Meanwhile San was also thinking about Wooyoung.'i think i like him,although we've known each other for mess than a week,he is just so sweet and cute i feel like my heart will explode. That's it,i like him! I will ask him out,well not know it's to early but i will make sure that je feels the same way i do'. He thought to himself.

Little did they know,they both liked each other.

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