chapter 8

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San opened the door wider to let Wooyoung in. He came in and took his shoes and jacket off. "Hi Wooyoung". He said as he led him to the living room." Hi San". He replied as they sat down on the couch and put there notebooks on the table infront of them. "So how do we start?". Asked San." Well the project is a written essay so we just have to do it on paper,so we should first have all the info we will need and then write". Replied Wooyoung,who had already made a plan about everything in his head. San nodded his head showing that he approved of Wooyoung's plan.

They started to look throu there San's textbooks as Wooyoung had forgotten to take his. After about 45 minutes of taking notes of all they could,they decided to take a little brake." Do you want to get to nlknow each other?". Asked San as to try and prevent awkward silence." Sure". Answered Wooyoung." Ok,so i ask a question and then you ask me a question,sound good?". Wooyoung nodded his head and gestured for him to ask a question." Ok first question,what is your favorite colour?". Wooyoung ponderd for a little while before answering." I like dark pink". 'cute'. San thought." Ok my turn, what is your ideal type?". Asked Wooyoung with a shy tone,wich San noticed." Well i like someone who is hardworking and knows what he wants,and also he needs to be really good at cuddles. And i prefer someone who is cute." Answered San honestly,and realized how much Wooyoung fit that description and blushed a little at the thought. Wooyoung seemed to notice something else tho." H-he?". He asked,unsure if he had heard it right." Oh yeah I forget to tell but i'm gay,you don't mind or anything right?". He asked a little nervous at his response." Oh no don't worry,I'm gay too". He answered,for some reason feeling a little relieved that San was into guys.

They continued to ask each other questions,until they realized that it had gotten quite late." It's gotten late,i should probably go before my mom starts to worry". Said Wooyoung,a little sad that he had to go." It's ok". Smiled San as he began to put his shoes on." Are you going somewhere?". Asked Wooyoung,a little worried that he would be out so late." Yeah,i walking you home". He answered." Oh no don't worry about that". He said,secretly being happy that the older cared enough to walk him home.

" I've made up my mind Woo,it's to late for someone to be walking alone at night". He said as they both got out of the house." Well what about you? You're gonna have to come back alone,what if something bad happens to you?". He asked,still not convinced that this was a good idea." I've done martial arts since i'm 7, Woo. I don't think anyone could hurt me". He said as Wooyoung turned to him with wide eyes." Really? That's cool". He said and blushed a little at the thought of a sweaty San in sweat pants and shirtless training. He quickly diverted his attention anywhere but San to get rid of the thoughts. They were talking when they reached Wooyoung's front door." It was fun today,do you want to come over again tomorrow?". Asked San." I don't have plans,so sur." Je answered as he found his keys and took them out to open the door.

Both boys smiled at each other as they said there goodbyes. Wooyoung walked in his kitchen after taking his shoes and jacket off and grabbed a bottle of water. He made his way to his room and changed into his pj's. After that he went straight to bed and fell asleep after setting his timer,that he made sur to adjust the volume higher so that he would wake up this time and fell asleep with San in his mind.

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