Last Night !

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Xie Lian's POV :

Xie Lian woke up with Hua Cheng's cold arms wrapped around his waist. After last night at the banquet pretty much everyone became absolutely sloshed. Who could've known it would end up with him being bare-chested while lying next to a literal ghost king? They were hardly there in their relationship just yet. "San Lang...?" He gently shook him awake while trying to recall as much as possible from the previous night. "mm yes gege?" Hua Cheng didn't usually sleep around Xie Lian but when he did it was hard for him to leave. " Xie Lian wriggled out of Hua Cheng's grip to sit up and continued "Do you remember what happened last night?" After all the commotion in the heavens, everyone got together for a meal and did it go downwards or upwards from there?

"Wait San Lang, didn't you have one wraith butterfly with you in case you found *cough* any blackmail material?" Hua cheng snickered, remembering their conversation about him spying during a party. "Naturally, would gege like to see?" Xie Lian nodded before looking over.

Flashback :

"ho ho! Crimson Rain Sought Flower is really putting the moves on his highness!" Pei Ming hollered. Shi Qingxuan who also came because of his contribution was now strutting around in her female form. "Ohoho General Pei! It's a dazzling beauty you might want to pursue." Ling Wen called out. "Please Noble Jie this 'beauty' is far below my standards." The ex-wind master flipped around with murderous intent. "Mind your manner, general Pei." 

The three continued to bicker in the background as they moved on. "You know it doesn't suit you." Mu Qing watched Feng Xin who was absolutely wasted by now untie his hair and shake it into place. "shush *hic* you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look st *hic* upid." Mu Qing made a disgusted face before saying "Fuck this I'm getting more alcohol." He grabbed the nearest bottle of wine and downed it in one gulp. 

Over in the corner, Xie Lian only saw two officials practically chewing each other out. But upon closer inspection, these "two officials" were two ghost kings. "Haha! There goes your wind master!" Hua Cheng slurred his words while slapping He Xuan on the back. Why was he even there? Oh wait. He Xuan Downed two bowls of soup before shrugging Hua Cheng's hand off and returning for seconds. 

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian then left the Palace of Ling Wen where the party was transpiring.  "Oh, dear." Xie Lian chuckled while watching them leave. Then to his surprise. Mu Qing dashed through the door after them while practically eating someone's face. Mu Qing? Of all people him? Feng Xin would have laughed his face off. 

"Let's go confront your friend clad in black." Hua Cheng giggled innocently. He knew something Xie Lian didn't and clearly wasn't going to tell him until they visited Mu Qing. 


After they arrived at the palace of General Xuan Zhen they noticed the appearance of what Mu Qing normally made sure was orderly and organized was now disheveled. Whoever Mu Qing was with they clearly had fun the previous night. "Y-Your highness!" A junior official walking past noticed them. "General isn't seeing visitors right now as he is- he is... hung over! Yes hung over!" Xie Lian found it unlikely and simply continued on.

The junior official being unable to touch Xie Lian could only beg him to stop while chasing after him and Hua Cheng. Xie Lian knocked on the door to Mu Qing's chambers. "Coming!" When he came to the door and opened it his tired expression almost instantly turned to horror. "Your highness!" He jumped back a little bit at the sight of Xie Lian. "I have a *cough* urgent matter to discuss and it simply cannot wait please allow me inside." Mu Qing forgetting someone was on his bed put on his outer robe and invited Xie Lian in.

Only then did he remember and run over to his bed to cover whatever was there with bedsheets. Hua Cheng was quicker though and blew the sheets off. In the end, Mu Qing rather than jumping onto the blankets jumped onto... 

"Feng Xin?!" Xie Lian cried as he saw Mu Qing toppled over Feng Xin on the bed. Hua Cheng couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out on the floor. Then only did it hit him. Xie Lian left before Hua Cheng did and he probably saw them leave together for Mu Qing's palace. "I-It's not what it looks like your highness!" Mu Qing and Feng Xin both cried. 

"Please explain yourselves quickly." A shit-eating grin spread across Hua Cheng's face and it was apparent that Xie Lian was just holding his own in. "Um so ever since your 3rd ascension me and this dog-licked piece of shit have been... um, hooking up I believe the mortals call it." Mu Qing explained. "We were keeping it a secret but you know the alcohol kicked in and now pretty much half the heavenly capital has dropped by this morning to interrogate us. "Wait so have you guys been fake fighting to avoid suspicion?" Feng Xin chuckled and said, "Nah that's just us being us."

"Your highness I hate to say it... but I told you they'd end up together." Hua Cheng whispered just loud enough for them to hear but quiet enough for them to get mad about. "You knew?!" Mu Qing exclaimed. "More or less, don't get me wrong generals I only told Blackwater, and he only told his gossipy fish who only told some other animals including Rain Master's ox... and they only told rain master and it stopped about there." Feng Xin was paralyzed and simply flopped back into bed.  

"Well, we might as well come clean to the rest of the people who don't know then right?" Mu Qing turned around to face Feng Xin who hesitated before stating "I don't mind." 

Author's Note : 

Sorry, this one-shot didn't have much actual Fengqing but I promise the other ones will! Just consider this more like a warmup cause things are gonna get angsty sooner or later ;) 

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