Chapter 72

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Amara dreaded the disaster that would be taking place in a couple of hours.

She smiled nervously at Barbara who was helping her dad prepare lasagne for the dinner they had planned in which they would tell him everything and by that they meant everything.

Growing up in the league, assassin training, killing, arranged marriage, vigilante life, kidnapping, multiple deaths, immortality, estranged son, sudden granddaughter. Not to mention the fact that he already knew all of this yet forgot by some fluke and managing to stage a dinner under the impression it was to talk about Damian and Amara's college accommodation. She could already imagine the heart attack he was going to have.

A knock on the door interrupted Amara's blatant staring and grimacing towards her father as he dropped his glasses into the sauce. The girls had already ordered takeout but their dad was too determined to give up.

Amara rushed to the door smiling when she saw her savior. Damian held up the bags of Italian from their local restaurant. No one had to know they didn't make it.

"I said I could do it" Gordon shook his head eyeing his daughters who began to put the food into pots so they could heat it up later.

"No offense dad but it takes about 3 hours to prep and cook a lasagne you have barely gotten the sauce let alone the layers. And with your incapability of asking for help you definitely won't have it remotely ready in the 30 minutes you have until they arrive." Barbara chastised holding out the Tupperware so he could put it in the dish. Jim reluctantly took the food giving up on the argument knowing his daughter was just as stubborn as he was.

Within a couple of minutes everything seemed to come together and the table was set. "This looks like it could have taken hours" Amara admired.

"It did just not for you" Damian joked quietly as she smacked his chest playfully. "Was it a good idea to leave her with Tim? The poor guy doesn't know the difference between baby tops and bottoms." She muttered back quietly.

"Hibah will be fine" Amara smiled everytime she heard her name it brought a special kind of joy to her heart. Hibah in Arabic meant gift or blessing which despite being a surprise it truly felt as though she was.

A couple minutes later Amara was rushing to open the door as the Wayne's finally decided to grace them with their presence an hour later than it had been planned.

"Punctual as always" Amara muttered smiling sarcastically her nerves practically about to burst as the suspense built up.

"Tim here had an accident with Hubba Bubba" Jason grinned as he shoved Tim in front of him.

"For the last time stop calling her that!" Amara hissed quietly. As soon as everyone managed to stray away from she devil, her daughter managed to earn herself a new nickname due to her constant babbling.

"Alfreds bringing her after he cleans her up - pudding incident.. it's better if you didn't ask questions" Dick advised handing her a bottle of wine. Amara smiled trying to convince herself this wouldn't end badly, she could imagine the fit he would have once he knew and that he'd have half a mind to pull out his cuffs and start arresting people left and right.

"Dad look who's finally arrived.." Barbara glared at the boys from behind her father. About half an hour later another knock announced on the door, Tim being the closest answered and rolled his eyes "you'd think you'd at least be on time! kind of a big day for you isn't it?" Tim eyed the confused boy, "I'm 15 minutes early - Mari said to get here at 8" Damian turned to Amara "I needed a conversation starter and mysterious guest at the door sounded like the best option." She shrugged.

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