Chapter 32

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After much time of sitting on the floor together Damian and Amara had managed to convince Jon to return home. Connor immediately opened the door when he heard them arrive.

"Jon thank god" he pulled the younger boy closer to him. "Where's dad?" He asked in a quiet voice almost whispering. "I don't know" when Connor made it home the apartment was empty and there was no sign of the Kent patriarch.

The two former assassins stayed back allowing the two brothers a moment alone. "I'm sorry kid, they did what they could but it was too late" Connor whispered, when Clark had initially refused to acknowledge him, Lois welcomed him with open arms and treated him as her own eventually convincing Clark to do the same.

"I don't want to talk about it right now" Jon mumbled, exhaustion clouded him he was tired, physically, emotionally and just wanted his mom to tuck him in and tell him he'd feel better when he'd wake up the next morning.

Amaras phone suddenly buzzed, "It's my dad he's asking when I'm coming home, I could stay the night if you need me" she offered, "no it's alright con and I'll be fine. You'll be in enough trouble for skipping school in the first place."

Damian and Amara gave Jon a final hug before they silently left the apartment. The walk to the zeta tube was awkward as hell. Neither knew what to say to ease the tension that was slowly building up.

"I'm sorry" Damian finally spoke up, "really? whatever for?" Amara replied sarcastically. "Lying to you, I shouldn't have done that it's just that father-"

"Daddy said I can't talk to you" she mocked. She admired his loyalty but it got to a point where she had enough.

"I get it, your father doesn't want you around me, the least you could do is say it to my face instead of making excuses" She snapped at him, Damian sighed "I don't want you to feel hurt-"

"Well you did, Since when did we start lying to each other?" Amara cut him off. "You told me we'd be alright. It's been a month since I've had any sort of one on one time with you, and yet he we are spending it arguing!" Amara groaned frustrated her powers starting to flicker things around her.

"Habibiti calm down" he grabbed a hold of her arms as she controlled herself. "There's a gala next week, your father should be coming, come with him it will give us an opportunity to spend time together and my father can't keep an eye on us with all the guests" he offered with a hopeful smile.

"I don't know I need to think about it" would she really go back to the place where she was kicked out of?

With that she left through the zeta tubes and quickly made her way home, vigilante or not it, it was not safe to walk home at night in Gotham.

"Amara where the hell have you been?!" Her father yelled as soon as she entered the house. Amara didn't know why or how but tears started to fall from her eyes. Jim's expression softened almost instantly at the sight of his usually reserved daughter showing her emotions.

"Sweetheart what happened?" Amara shook her head and old sniffled in return. Jim slowly hugged her, Amara never had the father-daughter relationship that he and Barbara had but this was definitely a bonding moment. This was just a daughter who needed her father to comfort her as she felt like the world was crashing around her.

"What's wrong?" Amara shook her head "I don't know" thoughts about everything was rushing through her mind at a mile a minute. She felt bad for Jon, her relationship was a mess, her own mothers temporary death lingering on her mind, she couldn't pinpoint which one of these set her off and she didn't care she just needed a release.

Jim had never seen his daughter so vulnerable before, when they had all thought Nadia was dead, Amara closed herself off choosing to hide her grief and wallow when she was alone, putting on a brave face for her father knowing he was hurting just as much.

He knew now was the opportunity to have her open up to him, to be there for her in ways he always wanted to but couldn't when she was a child.

Amaras body shook with silent sobs as she buried herself deeper into the arms of her father as he whispered reassurances to her.

"You need to calm down Mari, you're going to make yourself sick" Amara eventually exhausted herself falling asleep somewhere between the tears and blubbering. As she fell asleep a surge of power blasted through her rumbling the area around her like a mini earthquake.

Unbeknownst to her, as she slept a force field surrounded her protecting her from the chaos plaguing the streets outside.

Amara woke up dazed the next morning the sun was hidden by the usual stormy grey clouds. She turned to her bedside clock her eyes widening when she found that it was almost lunch time.

She slowly got up and made her way to the bathroom, the first thing she noticed was her puffed cheeks stained with dry tears and her swollen eyes. Fixing herself the best she could she made her way to the kitchen. Barbara was typing away at her laptop as she spoke on the phone.

"B?" Barbara put her phone down turning to her "hey, you feeling better?" Amara nodded slowly asking "what are you doing here?"

"Dad said you weren't feeling so good so I stayed home in case you needed anything" Amara nodded to her answer grabbing an apple and peering into the laptop Barbara was so focused on.

"What are you working on?"

"Earthquake happened last night, Bruce is having me look into it, he thinks it is wasn't natural" Amara looked at her confused "there was an earthquake?"

"Yeah...? The buildings were shaking and some roads cracked - you didn't notice?" Barbara sent her a questioning look.

"I guess not" Amara muttered putting her uneaten apple back and leaving to go back to her room. After changing her clothes she made her way out the window leaving the smallest note on her bed.

She didn't know why but she somehow found herself making her way to the top floor. Life on earth was just too much for her right now and she never thought she'd end up taking up her uncles offer but here she was on the highest floor of the Empire State building, better known as the gates to Olympus.

She paused for a second, "how long am I going to be gone for? What about Barbara? What about Jon?" Thoughts kept plaguing her mind, making her second guess herself and her decision.

She shook her head pulling her phone out "hey... I'm going to go away for a couple of days, I know it's sudden but I have to, I'm doing this yes I am yes I am yes I am, okay call me when you get this" she hung up, and without a second thought she pushed herself and went into the elevator.


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