Chapter 63

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Amara grimaced lifting his head and putting it back on his neck. She squealed as it made a squish sound.

"I can't believe you just did that" Vivian looked about ready to throw up. "Is his head gonna grow back?" Bart asked covering his eyes. "They stabbed me in the brain so I'm guessing it should" Amara muttered feeling the stitches in her head in 7 different places. "They stabbed you in your brain?" Damian looked at her worriedly. "Do you think it will work?" Vivian asked.

"I'm not sure it-" her eyes started to flash gold. Her hand shot out putting a protective barrier around Evan.

Mara stared at Evan the old memory flashing through her mind, of when she found out he was killed. Her breathing picked up her eyes unable to stray from his lifeless limp body. "Mara?" Bart called out. Their heads turned to the triggered girl, "hey hey it's okay" Bart came into her eyesight blocking the view of his currently dead body. Damian stared at her concerned he too was seeing what she was seeing.

"Look at me" Mara focused her eyes on him. "Breathe, just look at me and breathe" Mara nodded clearing her throat and wiping her eyes. "I'm fine" she lowered her head in a thanks.


Their heads turned to Jason who was staring at the dead body. The head started to reattach itself to the neck morphing together. Evan suddenly shot up awake "ow" he groaned pulling at his neck.

Amara snapped out of it when he woke up, her eyes still gold looked at everyone in the room. Her hand shot out and a gold tether went through the bars, hopefully it would lead to someone who could help them. "Amara?"

"It did not work, one must be willing to give in order to receive" Alyx spoke, "is Amara okay?" Damian immediately asked. "I have been unable to access her and her body is drained from constantly healing itself. She just needs to rest" Damian nodded glaring at Evan who was eyeing Mara as she listened to Bart talk about random things to keep her distracted.

After getting no response from anyone Tim took it upon himself to find out, He made his way around the base trying to be as quick as possible through the vents. He peered through a small gap and found a lab, he could only see one doctor and there was no way he was going to let them have Amara's samples and stuff. So he did what anyone would do he dropped down from the vent and planned to knock him out. The doctor was old and frail, turning around and jumping at the sight of the masked vigilante induced a heartattack. He grasped at his chest as he harshly breathed. "Oh no no no" Tim ran over to him to help as the doctor fell back unconscious. "I'm so sorry" he whispered checking his pulse and finding a weak one. He opened his shirt a little giving him room to breathe.

Tim's head flickered back to the computer, "you'll be fine" he stood up and started going through the files.

'Tim what's going on?'

"I'm erasing the files they have on Mari" he cheered when he found her file.

Subject AA01
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Mother: Nadia Alexeyeva
Species: Partial God
Subject notes:
Has the ability to regenerate limbs and vital organs, evidence obtained through puncturing the brain and removing the organs.

Virus 3B has proved effective and harmful to the subject.

Tim stared in horror as he read the notes and began downloading her file and deleting things as he went on. He searched Virus 3B, if it was harmful enough to hurt Amara then they needed to cap it at the source.

Virus 3B:
Designed to liquidate the organs causing its consumer to vomit until they have no organs left. Inserted through the veins it travels through the body like a blood source, it will turn any hard tissue into liquid.

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