Chapter 11

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We were hiding beneath a small mountain waiting for Nightwing and Starfire to give the signal.

Damian, Garfield and Jon were huddled on one side while I was beside Jaime, raven and Terra.

Not long after we saw the green glow of starfires hand "they're ready" Jaime announced, "they're slow" Damian scoffed rushing towards the two. "I'm cold" I whispered to no one.

Nightwing looked up towards the cliff, "it's a tough climb especially in this moonlight" his eyes focused, "nightwing"

"They're bound to spot us" he continued as starfire tried to get his attention "nightwing" this is probably what Damian meant about Richard overstepping. "If we wait for those clouds.." to do what?

"Dick!" I don't think she meant his name, but nonetheless it finally got his attention "what?" She motioned to the blonde haired girl behind her "Terra's taking us up" i don't understand the point of her suit I mean she's wearing shorts? If I were an enemy I'd aim for her legs and take her out. Raven at least has a cloak to protect herself.

I tuned back into the conversation when Terra muttered "I do all the dirty work around here" proceeding to separate the mountain to form a small cave like elevator we all stepped into, closing the hole back up once we were inside.

I took the opportunity of the small space to grab hold of Damian's hand earning a squeeze back from him.

I rolled my eyes at Jon who was wiggling his eyebrows at us, I sent him a glare until it was shifted to Terra when rocks started falling on my head.

Jaimes beetle started to grow agitated making its creature noises, "quiet down the bugs nervous" I agree with you there buddy.

My hold onto Damian became tighter as he did his best to reassure me without anyone noticing. "I'm not too sure about this either" raven looked warily between us, the worse thing that would happen is we get stuck, run out of air and die or we get caught and die both options I'm not willing to take.

Terra began to struggle making the beetle freak out and slash at us, raven deflected it and Garfield turned into a bug? "Scarab stop!"

Damian pulled me to his other side barely missing the scarabs attack as I stood beside Richard and he pulled his sword out "control that thing beetle or else I'll control it for you" he growled holding his sword close to Jaimes face.

"You're gonna have a sword fight here? How about somewhere roomier like a broom closet?" Raven muttered and I had to stifle my laugh, it has been done before and let's just say Damians a sore loser.

"As much as I'd love to see that, how bout we think about the people about 6ft above us? I mean potential death has always given me a reason to focus" I spoke up their eyes turning to me once I mentioned death.

"You're not gonna die" Damian, Jon and Richard chorused together earning weird looks from the team. "But she's right, the enemy's above us, we have to channel all our thoughts to that remember these opponents are different, as kori will tell you" he stumbled remembering he wasn't leader but it's not like starfire would say anything against it. "No keep going" she encouraged, I guess making him take charge was their thing? I don't know.

"I've been studying them since I left the titans, they're zealots, extremists.
They'll sacrifice themselves without
hesitation to get to you, so the quicker we take them down, the better. That about cover it?" He turned to starfire who smiled "Very well said"

Suddenly, the platform they were all riding on began to shake. "Terra, can you do this?"

She grunted trying to get a grip on the situation "Yes...If you'd all shut up..."
After a few more seconds, the platform
stopped and Terra started panting.

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