Chapter 31

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"Jonathan Samuel Kent I swear to my uncles that if you aren't here then I will personally call hades and have him show you the scary three headed dog" she called out as she entered the Kent cottage.

When she didn't hear anything she felt a sudden wave of concern wash over her. Her legs started moving like it was an instinct rushing up the stairs.

She turned multiple corners and slammed open a door. The golden hue died out around her and her senses returned.


She found him sat on the floor hidden in the corner, his legs were pulled up to his chest as small sniffles escaped him.

"I changed my mind I wanna be alone" he let out a quiet sob. "I'm not the best at relationships but I'm pretty sure you don't leave you're friends when they're clearly going through something" she inched closer, cautiously lowering her head to avoid hitting the low ceiling of the attic.

"Hey-oh my god" she scrunched her nose in disgust, "who sweats that much? Right, sorry I'm not here to judge" she held her breath taking a seat beside him on the floor. "I sweat when I'm nervous" Amara grimaced slightly "no kidding".

"What's the matter?" When Jon refused to answer she made him look her in the eyes "tell me Jonathan, who do I need to beat up to make you feel better?" Jon shook his head "I don't want you to beat him up" Amara looked at him confused.

"No offense Jon, but what am I doing here then? If it's comfort your seeking you called the wrong person" Amara was the last person to call when it involved comforting someone. She was embarrassed to say that Damian was even better at comforting people than her.

Once on patrol some kid was crying and Amara just patted her head as if that would make her stop. She watched Jason laugh at her awkwardness before interacting with the young girl and making her laugh and calm down enough to find her parents and release Amara from the unwanted hug.

"I just need you to sit with me okay and just at least try to say something positive" he told her tears still streaming down his cheeks.

"I am positive that will lead to you crying more" Jon glared at her "I'm sorry, isn't Damian not the one you call when things like this happen. I'm the one who messes with the other guy, what is this parent swap?" That's right. Damian and Amara considered Jon their child, well Damian didn't but Amara and Jon did. Jon even commented it's because the two argued like a married couple.

"Kent? Where are you?" Amara heard another voice call out. "You called him too?" She smacked Jon's arm "I know your hurting but you know how awkward it gets between us" Jon sniffled again "I know but I need you both".

The sound of footsteps became louder until a door opened and Damian stepped inside. "Jon- oh" he paused for a split second when he saw Amara already there.

"Oh what is that smell?" He held a hand up to block his nose. Amara giggled "he sweats when he's nervous" Jon blushed slightly "and why would he be nervous" Amara shrugged "that I won't be able to tell you, he is yet to tell me himself" the two former assassins turned to the younger boy.

"This isn't a case you're working on, I'm upset and you should be comforting me" Jon grumbled questioning himself why he didn't have any normal friends.

"We can't comfort you til you tell us why you're upset" Amara sassed back. "Yes we can" Damian argued back taking a seat besides Jon.

"Must you contradict me on everything" Amara rolled her eyes "only when you're wrong" Damian smirked.

Amara paused for a moment "aren't you supposed to be with your father right about now?" She looked at her watch and it was about the time school would end.

"What do you mean? Damian and I were gonna hang out after school" Jon spoke up. "He said you were busy-" Jon paused realizing the look Amara was sending Damian who was looking down ashamed.

Nonetheless Amara covered up any feeling of hurt with a smile "yeah I was, I had plans with Barbara but they aren't til later" clearing her throat and pushing back the tears before they had a chance to show. She wondered when she'd become so emotional over a lie. She was accustomed to people lying to her all the time but why did it hurt her heart this time?

"Enough about that, what's wrong Jon?" The boy was easily distracted by the small spat between his closest friends it took his mind off his own problems.

"My dad said some things" the two assassins furrowed their eyebrows, "like?" Jon shook his head. "I'm calling Connor" Amara stood up moving around to get better connection.

She suddenly got a call from Tim, "hey Tim I can't talk right now" Tim interrupted her "are you with Jon?" His voice sounded urgent it made Amara fill with concern "yeah, something happened I was just about to call Connor-" she stuck her head out the window when the line was breaking up.

Her eyes widened when Tim explained what happened she quickly hung up and ran towards Jon, her arms wrapped around him like a safety blanket the second she got to him offering any comfort she could muster out.

She knew how it felt to lose someone so close to her, it hurts you in your core and it broke her down til she was a fraction of herself. She'd still get flashbacks to when she was in grieving and that version of herself was just not something she wanted to ever embody ever again.

Damian watched as the two held each other, he had no idea what would make them both so emotional that even Amara would make herself vulnerable enough to cry so openly with him.

"It gets better Jon, it won't right away but it will" Jon leaned closer into Amara who wouldn't let go of him. Involuntarily a force field had formed its way around the pair. Damian started to click on what was happening,  the look in Amaras eyes told him everything.

Just as he had done multiple times before he put his hand up to the force field but unlike the other times the force field didn't let him in. As if it no longer trusted him, he tried once again but it zapped him instead.

He could hear Amara whispering "it's okay you can let him in" the field flickered as if contemplating before it fell completely. Damian made his way to the young boy and he did something he rarely did, he hugged him.

You can't do anything when a loved one is wrongfully taken away from you, especially at an age where you aren't ready to say goodbye, you may never be ready, because death is something which you can never be prepared for. Jon wasn't prepared for this, how can one be prepared to lose their mother in such a way?

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