Chapter 35

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After his call with Amara he chose to not mention anything about the Marquis as to avoid more arguments. They had a good talk like they did when they first started their relationship and finally ended with him asking her if she'd be at the gala next week.

"I don't think I will, I didn't think I'd miss you guys as much I have been and it's crazy, I miss you Damian and I really want to come home but it might be better if I waited a little while longer"

"I miss you too beloved" he paused trying to release his tension so that she wouldn't pick up on it.

"It's late and I'm sure your about to go on patrol so I'll call you tomorrow, I love you Dami"

"I love you habibiti, goodnight"


The phone cut off as he finally got up and forced himself back down to the cave hopefully beating a couple of thugs would help him get his frustrations out.

Amara was enjoying life in central city, she didn't have to worry about what people thought of her because her phone was turned off for the most part and she was enjoying spending time with Amir and Zara. The two had done everything possible to make her feel welcome.

It also excited her at the news of the two being engaged, she felt kind of weird that this was the first normal thing she got to experience in the last year.

The wedding would be in Pakistan and she was invited and she hoped her father would agree to let her go and maybe if she tried hard enough she might be able to get Damian to accompany her.

At the moment she was making her way to the Allen household because although she was in a new city she was still not trusted to stay home alone.

She barely had a chance to knock before the door swung open "Aunt Amara!" Bart hastily pulled the girl into a hug barreling her with questions.

"I didn't know you were coming well I did but I didn't oh I have so many things I need to tell you I just got this new video game and it is sooooo crash like I'm definitely crashing all modes it's a mode free life up in here, so what about you what you been up to?" Amara paused trying to process his speedy word vomit.

"I'm good thank you" she politely smiled slightly embarrassed realizing she only caught then last sentence. He stepped to the side to let her in.

The gala was tomorrow and although she said she wouldn't attend she had been second guessing her decision. She'd been doing that a lot lately - second guessing herself but it didn't take her long to understand 'when in doubt do the opposite' a quote she heard from a movie Bart had made her watch with the young Allen twins.

So there she was the day of the gala dressed up in a long silk dress, her hair pulled back loosely with curls falling down her shoulders. It was simple yet elegant, she paired the outfit with a pair of strappy heals and holstered a couple of knives beneath her dress.

She smiled as she made her way up the stairs of Wayne manor, Barbara was the only other person who knew about her surprise return besides Vivian who had her arm linked with Amaras.

Amara smiled nerves filling her as she walked around the crowded room in search of Damian. Vivian had left her to grab a champagne. She bumped into multiple people muttering quick apologies as she squeezed passed them.

Her eyes scoured the room until they landed on a set of green eyes, that were looking somewhere else. Her heart paused for a second, and there was a lump in her throat she tried to swallow.

She found Damian but she didn't like what she found, she decided not to ruin his night and opted to go home suddenly not feeling so good.

She made her way to her apartment, shoes in hand she wasn't upset but she felt a weight on her chest. All she wanted was to get out of this dress and out of the makeup feeling kind of stupid for getting so excited and dressing up anyway. She figured this was kind of her fault for not telling him and wanting to give him a surprise.

Washing the makeup, sadness and ick off her she felt the slightest bit better. Her phone buzzed notifying her of an incoming call.

"Beloved?" Damian's voice sounded through the phone.

"Hey" she willed her voice to not crack.

"I really wished you came, I was alone and at least I would have enjoyed it with you"

Amara scoffed muttering "I'm pretty sure you weren't alone"

"What was that?"

"I said I'm sorry I stayed home"

"No matter, when are you coming home?" Amara paused and ran out in to the hallway out side her apartment.

"I'm actually on my way back now" she wasn't one to lie and technically this wasn't lying.


"Yeah can we meet? there's some things I want to talk about"

"I can't right now but I would love to meet you for breakfast tomorrow" Amara heard a voice in the background calling out his name.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow is 9 good?"

"Sounds perfect, sorry Mari I need to go bye" he abruptly hung up.

Amara refused to spend any more time feeling hurt or unimportant, she was an Alexeyeva and a Gordon. She didn't need anyone else to feel happy, she was a young independent woman and she didn't need a man, but it felt nice when she had him and she definitely didn't want to lose him. She just hoped everything would turn out right.


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