Chapter 71

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"Is this how you felt?" Damian turned to his own father, "I can't take care of a baby" he turned back to the doctor. "You've been doing fine the last week" Jason waved him off. "There's too much I could screw up" Damian retorted.

"Damian you can do this" Bruce assured him, "easy for you to say he was double digits when you got him" Dick laughed the whole situation amusing him.

Amara suddenly walked in her eyes golden her body moving instinctively, "of course it leads you back to him, hopeless romantic" Vanny rolled his eyes. "And there's the lucky mother" Dr Leslie muttered watching her intrigued having never witnessed Amara's powers before.

"Why isn't she snapping out of it?" Jason asked, Evan turned to his sister to see her eyes were still golden.

"I'm not sure" he waved his hands in front of her face snapping his fingers. She stalked forward pushing him, the sheer force having him fly back. "You have got to stop doing that!" Evan groaned getting up.

She kept walking until her eyes landed on the baby, she gasped snapping out of it, "it's her" she turned around watching everyone's shocked faces. She smiled picking up the baby "hi little she devil did you miss me?" She asked as she rocked the little baby back and forth.

"Who's that?" Evan asked groaning as he stood up. "This is your daughter" Dr Leslie told Amara.

"Her what?!" Barbara yelled at the same time Evan cheered "I'm an uncle!"

"Daughter? I'm sorry I don't remember the pregnancy, the stretch marks or the key part the birth! Nor did I pull a Bruce with adoption! I don't have a daughter" Amara shook her head but she couldn't deny the sudden resemblance she was noticing. "But like what if I did and I don't remember? I mean we found out that there are people who would do that without thinking twice" she looked at the little girl in her arms "are you a powerful little baby who scares gods? Are you?" She asked in a baby voice smiling when she earned giggles from the child.

"Somewhere between your captivity your dna was collected and she was genetically engineered in the lab much like when Damian was born" Damian and Amara shared a look.

Amara became sheepish as she suddenly remembered what she did, "what? What did they do to you?" Damian looked at her in concern. "He was being such a wuss when he came to get my blood so I did it myself and gave it him" she mentally slapped herself for not realizing how stupid that was. "Although they did cut off my body parts during torture time so it's hard to say what they used to extract my DNA from".

"Her files said her genetic assets weren't complete" Tim spoke up choosing not to bring up any bad memories for Amara, "they weren't complete? What does that mean? Is she okay?" Amara asked worry starting to flood her.

"The tests show she's completely healthy and developing normally" Dr Leslie told her easing her nerves slightly. "Then what is she missing?" Damian asked.

"Our powers.." Evan muttered, "we got them after Nadia died and we became more powerful and stronger.." he trailed off "thats why they wanted to kill me" Amara realized, "if I died she would have gotten my powers, whether I knew about her or not she would have been the ultimate weapon if they trained her right" her eyes landed on the baby. She was asleep, so calm and peaceful she was innocent and the thought of her being used as a puppet for the league left an unsettling feeling in their chests, and just like that they were parents worried for their child's well-being.

"I had no clue she even existed.. they were just using me" Vanny looked conflicted as his mind pieced things together. "I'm pretty sure I told you that before Damian was thrown off the roof" Amara rolled her eyes.

"I can't hide this from my dad" Amara turned to Damian. "Our night life was kept a secret to keep him from worrying but a baby? His granddaughter? You know I have to tell him right?" They both turned to Bruce who had a unknown look on his face.

"Come on, you wouldn't want to have your granddaughter hidden from you would you? Cause if you do then you're a bigger asshole than we all think you are" Jason looked at him pointedly silently guilting him into giving in. "Fine. If any of you end up behind bars-" he warned before Barbara cut in "he wouldn't give up his daughters like that.."

"Some of us aren't his daughters" Tim motioned to himself and his brothers as if it was obvious. "Tim your practically the son he always wanted" Amara smiled at him as Vanny scoffed "what about me?"

Barbara and Amara shared a look "oh yeah.. you're going to have fun explaining him to dad aren't you?" Amara grinned at her elder sister who looked at her in disbelief.

"So it's true? He's actually our brother" Amara nodded "some powerful twin toddler shenanigans led to him being memory wiped from our brains and then mama ran away with me and by some twisted fate he landed back in our lives and we got wiped everytime we found out" she quickly summed up walking over to the crib once she noticed she devil - her daughter fell asleep in her arms.

"We need to give her a name, we can't keep on calling her she devil" Barbara walked up to her cautiously. "Amara I'm saying this because I love you, a baby is a big responsibility are you sure that you can do this?" She looked at Damian "the both of you?".

"She's right you know they need to be fed, changed, burped, watched I mean what we've been doing was just temporary. She needs doctors appointments, you need to make sure she's hitting key milestones, find schools literally everything." Dick listed, "we can do this" Damian nodded.

"She's our daughter it would feel wrong to let someone else raise her when we're able" Amara agreed with him, "what about school?" Barbara asked again trying to make sure she knew exactly what she was getting herself into.

"I'm a couple credits away from graduating, Damian can technically graduate but he still attends for me." Amara told them as she mentally made a list of things they would need.

"As far as college goes Amara and I were going to get an apartment, I'd start at WE and she'd take a couple of courses at Gotham University." Damian wrapped his arm around Amara reassuringly, "we're planners we like to know where our lives are headed and we just need to fit she devi- the baby into our plans" Amara smiled her mind reassuring her with every second that this would turn out alright and hopefully it would. God knows how her dad is going to react to this - God knows how her Nani is going to react to this, she prayed the both of them loved the little girl as much as she had begun to.

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