Chapter 56

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"Evan Hayek" Damian opened up his sketch pad showing the drawing he had made from the memory of the last time he had seen him. The picture was just a mere boy compared to the 6ft man he was now.

"He was in our training group in the league when we were kids, not many could surpass us skill wise which was why our group was so limited exclusively only having 4 of us" Amara explained her eyes lingering on the image.

"At the age of 11 Evan suffered fatal injuries that lead to his death. As far as we knew he wasn't revived because mother thought he wasn't worth it. She believed he had flaws because he wasn't like the rest of us" Damian shook his head, the memory of his funeral replaying in his mind, they both cried that day in secret up in the mountains where the four of them used to hide and hang out together.

"He was more fun, playful, he had his youth, he was free he didn't fall into the emotionless mindset that was bred into the rest of us.. if it wasn't for his skills they would have dumped him long ago" Amara shook her head smiling "we thought he was insane because he'd killed the most yet he'd still have a smile on his face the next day like the death hadn't fazed him" she told them "it's how he got the name Al Qaatil, the killer" Damian told them. Tim furrowed his eyebrows hearing them talk about their suspect.

"You said there was four of you, who was the fourth?"

"Mara" they both answered causing the others to look confused. "Who the hell is Mara?"

"Mara is my cousin, her father was killed the day we were infiltrated but she mostly grew up with Nyssa."

"Nyssa hated my mother with a passion, she believed my mom took her spot in the Al ghul family. She raised Mara to believe she was alone and had no friends or family, that of course was before Nyssa was exiled" Amara took a seat, she used to look up to Nyssa a lot when she was younger. She thought the way she fought was like artwork, smooth and precise but also naturally enticing. Part of her fighting style was formed from watching her, but just like everyone else she eventually saw the poison that started to grow in Nyssa. She just never thought she'd be able to such a malicious crime.

"Nyssa didn't appreciate Mara's new found friendship with the rest of us, especially with Evan. She saw him as a distraction one that needed to be eliminated" Damian grumbled, he didn't think his aunt would have been able to stoop so low but his own mother tried convincing his father to kill him so he couldn't be too judgemental.

"She didn't.." Barbara shook her head covering her mouth. "She knocked out Mara put on a mask and fought Evan, she left him covered in his own blood." Amara told them bluntly. "That was also the last time we saw Mara, she disappeared not long after"

"He died it was sad but now he's back with Powers?! His story sounds a little off.. I mean if he escaped like he told us then why is Nyssa after him again? And why now all of a sudden" she grabbed the bag of chips Tim snatched off of Vanny and started to snack on them.

"You think he's lying?" Dick questioned, "I think he's only telling half of the truth" Damian continued for Amara.

"I think.. we need to talk with Nadia she's been watching the league ever since Thalia went awol" Barbara told them Damian and Amara looked at eachother before yelling "not me!"


"I'm sorry my mother is a hard woman to find as it is, but having to tell her that her arch nemesis is back and that now we're all targets I wouldn't want to be the person to tell her that" Amara raised her hands in surrender.

"How about we just not help?" Jason shrugged bored, "we can't not help" dick told him. "Sure we can, I don't remember anyone coming here today do you?" Tim pretended to think to which Jason agreed "nope no mysterious visitors here" Jason especially loved Tim when he was in his breakdown stage, he found him more fun and tolerable to be around.

"Where is Bruce? Why's he not eating my head off right now for making us targets?" Amara asked "He left around midnight, off world mission he should be back in a couple of days" Jason told her, "and what? Are we supposed just not be killed until then? It's common knowledge Batman is off limits but Batman's not here so we can't make good on that claim" Tim smiled as an idea suddenly formed in his caffeine deprived brain.

"Dick plays Batman dress up" he pointed at Dick "you ignore this problem until he comes banging at our door" he pointed to the two former assassins. "And we go to the Bahamas!" He pointed between him and Jason before giggling.

"Sounds like a solid plan" Jason smirked, "I'll pack my stuff and you guys call us when shit hits the fan" he left the cave pulling Tim's arm with him.

"Are we seriously going to act like we don't have a psycho assassin after us?" Barbara the only sane person asked, "I'm cool with that" Damian turned to Amara "are you?" She nodded "perfectly okay with going a week without being kidnapped, attacked or trapped under a collapsing building" she turned to the two remaining adults.

"So now that this is all settled, we're going on a date and you guys can be on assassin look out" Amara smiled before grabbing Damian's hand and pulling him out the cave just like Jason pulled Tim.

"How have they survived this long?" Barbara muttered quietly to herself she turned to Dick who remained silent looking deep in thought.

"Do you think he's right?" Dick asked her.

"We can't just ignore our problems and expect them to go away" Barbara was arguably the smartest of them all yet here she was stuck with the potential threat.

"No Barb I meant my ass, was he right? Is it getting smaller?" Barbara turned to him looking as if she was on the brink of losing her mind.

"I'm in a house full of idiots.. You guys really need to sort out your priorities!"

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