//54//: Unalive

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"You'll pay for what you did, but after doing what is right."

Khalifa turned to Sabrina looking extremely confused and stunnned by her words. "I'm not getting your point. What do you mean?"

She brought forth a journal and a pen from her side bag, placing it in his front. "We're going to write the list of people you've murdered in your entire life, the families you've destroyed and the people whom you've hurt emotionally. I know you can remember each and every single one of them. After that, we'll use your blood money to pay for the diya to the people you've murdered. Only after all these people have forgiven you, will you get your sentencing in the shari'a court." Sabrina smiled sadly, pushing the book and pen his way as he stared at her.

Her words and attitude towards him is so flabbergasting. "After all I have done to you, you still want to help me? I don't deserve you, Sabrina. I really don't."

"Daddy, we're two different people. I'm Sabrina and you're Khalifa. The years we've spent together were good years. Even though you were the villain in the story, you loved me. I'll forever be grateful for that. Even with the darkness, there's brightness in you."

"Thank you so much. What would I have done without you by my side?" Khalifa cupped her cheek, pushing the strands of hair that managed to escape from her veil.

In no time, they wrote out the list of people he had murdered. One by one, they called their families and begged for their forgiveness. Of course, convincing some people was a really tedious task. But eventually, they all forgave him for the sake of Allah and also because of the kind words Sabrina had uttered to them. Most of them told Khalifa to be grateful for having Sabrina as a daughter because not everyone can do what she had done for him.

After seeking their forgiveness, they transferred a huge amount of money as diya to each of the families. Considering the large amount of balance that was left, Sabrina suggested it to be used to build a well, mosque and small hospitals in some remote villages in the northern part of the country. That way it would serve as Sadaqatul Jariya for both of them.

That being done. It was remaining Saif's and Noor's family—they were both siblings so the task at hand wouldn't be as stressful as the rest. Then Neelam's mother, Sarah.

"Before you call their mother, I'd like to ask for your own forgiveness. I know Saif was your best friend. He was a really good person and I regret what I did to him and his sister. Please forgive me."

"I've forgiven you a long time ago. At least you feel remorse for what you did. Alhamdulillah."

"Assalamu Alaikum." Sabrina said her taslim as she called Saif's mother.

"Wa'alaikum Salam, Sabrina how's your health? I'm so glad that you're okay now. I know you must feel bad for everything, take heart my dear. The people who caused this will be punished, In Shaa Allah."

"Umm..thank you, mom. Can you please put it on speaker? I'm sure you're with the whole family, right?"

"Yes, I am. It's on speaker. Is anything wrong?"

"It's about my uncle. I'm sure by now the whole world knows our family's secrets. The murderer of Noor and Saif." Sabrina swallowed thickly.

"That man deserves the worst punishment ever!"

"And he will get it. But we need your help, mom. My uncle is truly sorry for what he did to your two children. Saif was my friend, Noor was Farooq's friend. He regrets what he did to them and reaches his deepest apologies. I know saying this wouldn't be enough because it's someone's life we're talking about here. But I want you to do it for your children's sake, please forgive my uncle. He's going to have a death sentence by tomorrow morning. I don't want him to die without you forgiving him. I'm begging you to please find it in your heart and forgive him."

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