//28//:Baba Kaka

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17TH APRIL, 2018.

Ashraf was clasped in a washed out jeans, a plain black T-shirt and black and white varsity jacket with a black beanie which enclosed his black silky hair. Tugging his hands into his varsity jacket, he scurried off to the patient's room. As he pushed opened the door of the VIP section, he was met with the patient roughly seated on his bed.

The patient had changed into a white hospital gown before the operation, which was to take place in the next fifty minutes. "Baba Kaka." Ashraf called out anxiously.

The old man's eyes glimmered with joy as he saw his grandson for the first time after four years. "I thought I wouldn't get a glimpse of your face before my demise."

Ashraf took the seat next to the bed holding onto his wrinkled hands. "Don't talk like that." He hadn't payed him a visit ever since he got out of coma and was brought back to Nigeria from Italy.

"And why shouldn't I? I've been longing to get a mere sight of my first grandson but no, he was too busy to pass a simple message..."

"I'm really sorry Baba Kaka, I truly am. I have my reasons for not coming since."

Baba kaka let out a small chuckle slightly leaning his back down on the bed. "Does your reasons have any link to your younger sister?" He inquired with a raised brow. Ashraf clenched his jaw and averted his gaze elsewhere at the mere mention of Sabrina.

"Not so fast young man. When I ask a question, you answer my question." The old man demanded sternly. The man might have a bucket full of humor but he doesn't tolerate disrespect directed at him.

"Yes, it does." He replied.

Everyone knows how Ashraf is towards his youngest sister but nobody knows the reason why he's like that except Baba Kaka. "My sweet little Ashraf, you still have that incident caged up in your heart, don't you?" He asked him not really expecting to get a reply because he knows the answer. Ashraf had only stiffened his jaw even more, his eyes fixated on the window.

Baba Kaka reached out his hand to grasp his slowly, while Ashraf intentionally refused to look him in the eyes. "Anyone in your shoes would be traumatised after witnessing such. I, myself haven't still recovered from it. I sometimes think it was that which triggered my tumor and mental illness, Sadiq." He referred to him as his first name which was to draw back his attention to him which it certainly did.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean to say I've been thinking, a lot. Twenty years is a long period of time but whenever I recall that incident I feel my hands and whole body shivering, my heart aches, and my soul remains in denial that I couldn't do anything.

I had tried so hard to control it but it was all in vain as I was only increasing my illness. The drowsiness, seizures, and constant headaches." Baba Kaka admitted with a slight sigh.

Everything changed after that day, twenty years ago. People, places, things, had been altered with and was never to return back to the way it was. "Then stop overstressing yourself about the godforsaken incident! It's only worsening your condition for goodness sake. Why are you doing this to yourself? You have three large family that loves and care about you. Please, Baba Kaka." He blurted out a little loudly as his eyes became glossy.

Releasing the tears he had been holding for a long time,he replied. "I want everything to go back to the way it was, Sadiq."

"But that's impossible. You know that yourself, don't you?"

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