//53//: Self-Defence

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It was the 1st of February.

Sabrina's birthday.

The number of people that populated the hospital were really much. Seventy five percent of guests and visitors were all friends, fans, employees and family members of Sabrina Adila Khaleed. A small transparent curtain was used to separate the family members from the others. The visiting area was so occupied that some people had to find comfort on the floor.

Farooq stepped into Sabrina's room where she was still unconscious. The doctors weren't saying anything about it nor were they doing much. As each day passes, their hope of her surviving was really slim. But they didn't have the courage to face everyone and announce it physically. Why should they? They could lose the hospital, their jobs or even worst—their lives.

He strutted to the chair near her bed as he entwined their fingers. It never failed to give him inner satisfaction and hope. Not a day did he ever lose hope. He believed in her more than anyone did. He had the gut feeling that she'd wake up very soon but his brain said otherwise.

Farooq had become cold and hard. Even harder than he formally was. He doesn't talk to anyone not even his friends or Betty. He locks himself in his room all alone. He barely eats too, the only time he does is when Amma threatens him. His well trimmed and properly kept mustache and beard were now all bushy, resembling that of a cave man's own. Sparing people glances was something he hasn't done in a long while.

All he looked forward to was seeing his Adila's hazel glimmering eyes. That expression she makes when she's extremely happy and excited about something. He'd kill to see that more than anything. Her dimples popping out, her eyes squinting a bit as the brightness overtakes the whole atmosphere, her cheekbones going up, her lashes batting itself against her eyeballs. That expression that could make even the gloomiest person alive, crack a smile.

"Hey, Adila. Happy birthday, my princess. You're now twenty one years old. I wish you all the happiness in this world and in the hereafter. There's no moment I don't think of you. Morning, day and night you're all I think about. I'm at the brink of losing it. I can't keep going on with life without you. I just can't. I'm pushing people away again and I promise you it's not on purpose. I can't bear not being with you my princess. I just want you in my embrace all the freaking time, I want to knit our fingers together, I want to take ginger ale wine with you in our balcony at night, I want to argue with you till we get on each other's necks, I want to kill you and bring you back to life, I want to go drifting with you, I want to cook with you in the kitchen, I want to shower you with all the love you deserve, My Adila.

I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in this life. You are always saying you're not scared of anything yet here you are laying unconscious on a hospital bed. Where's that fierce and vicious dragon that spits fire everywhere she goes? Because she's certainly not the person that's lying on this bed.

One year ago, I slipped this blue diamond ring on your finger and since then you never took it off. Maybe back then it was because you loved the ring and nothing more, but when we created an unbreakable bond I know you kept it on as a symbol of our love. You're too egoistic to admit it, but I know.

It's so crazy how I can speak for more than thirty seconds without getting irritated or tired of speaking. Noor left me Adila, you can't leave me. We still have a life ahead of us. Please wake up."

He played with the ring on her finger, anxiously waiting for her to make the slightest movement but then came non. It was as though he was talking to a dead person because he's sure can't hear anything he's saying. Dropping her right palm on the bed, he got on his feet and exited the room not before whispering some prayers over her.

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