//34//:Verily,each soul shall taste death

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Grieving is natural and normal. It's not an illness, although it can make you feel ill. It won't last forever, although there may be times when it seems like the pain will never end. There's no 'right' way to grieve and we each react in our own way.

A bird chirps in a tree, but the sound is not as beautiful as one could recall.

How long can I be sad? You wonder. How long should I be sad? You wonder, when you stop being always sad.

Numb, shocked, unsure of what to do. Then the crying starts, so many tears, then the anger, then if you smile at something or laugh at something the guilt and then the pain of losing someone you love and an emptiness inside and a little piece of your heart has gone forever and then the memories, no one can ever take those away from you.

The news of Saif's death had everyone in tears. He was a good man, too good for this generation. He treated all sorts people with pure kindness. He never discriminated nor did he tolerate it. He was always there for them where they needed him. He pushed his way to make sure they didn't get into trouble.

The last act he did, signifies how much of a kindhearted person he was. Though his efforts were in vain, but he at least made an attempt. He died doing the one thing he did best. Putting others above him.

Kubra fainted thrice when she received the news that her Saif passed away in a car accident. Like a crazy woman, she rushed over to his house to confirm whether or not she was being lied to. But all her hopes crumbled down when she saw his corpse laying on the mat.

She sat next to his corpse, but his face was in ruins so she was unable to see it one last time. She cried her life out that her throat began to hurt but she didn't stop.

Her Saif was gone.

And was never coming back. Never.

His sisters and Jawahir tried to calm her down but it was all in vain. Saif's disheartened mother, asked her to stay in his room till she felt okay to come out. She locked herself in there, doing nothing but wailing out.

Jannah, Mimi, Harisa and Arianna also didn't help. Their tears never stopped dropping that day. Indeed, they had lost one of the most amazing and kindhearted person ever.

Mufid and Adam carried his corpse to the Masjid. Immediately after the Eid prayer, his Jannazah was performed. They couldn't believe that a day as special as Eid was the day they'd bury their own best friend's body with their bare hands.

Who will advice them against playing girls? Who will ask Mufid to apologize to Sabrina after being rude? Who will testify on their behalf whenever they get into a fight? Who will keep them out of trouble?

They didn't just lose a friend, they lost their lifelong brother that day.

Troops of people went in and out of Mr Ibrahim's mansion, earlier than supposed. It was supposed to be full in two days time because it was the date set out for the beginning of the wedding ceremonies. Instead, it was his Janna'izah.

Sabrina, however, was no where to be found. Not that anyone tried reaching out to her because they were all battling with their own emotions. She couldn't handle the news she had received despite knowing that it was the truth.

But why was the truth bitter? Why did her heart feel as though it has been set ablaze?

So she ran away.

The one thing she does when she doesn't want to face people, when she doesn't want to accept the truth. She knew she wasn't stable enough to drive because she'd most likely crash it, so she rode away with her horse.

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