Love me,If you dare

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Love me,I wish,I pray,I even beg for that..

But a few moments pass,and you have to hear,the story of a merciless person,

Drenching himself with the blood of everyone you once called dear..

Love me,I wish you would..

Then you would hear the silent echos left behind by cruel footsteps,

That I had to follow and break till I doubt myself..

Love me,If you dare..

For I am bleeding each moment,each second all I feel is letting go,

Cutting every tie,and not even bidding you farewell,I just want to disappear..

Love me,If you dare...
Dare to gather the crumbling pieces of me,
Dare to hear the tales of us,
Dare to look into my eyes,that cannot even see,
Dare to hold me,to embrace the tainted me..

Love me,if you dare...

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