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Dressed in white a young woman walks through the grey city,lost in thoughts..

The constant voice of her lover,ringing through her ear,filling her void,

Yet she wipes the tears away,that keeps on appearing in her eyes,
For each moment she is away from her lover,is the most painful moment of her life ..

Yet she is mourning,the loss of a mother,a constant presence in her life,
The person who had once stood by her,when she was at her worst..
And let her go,opening the gate for her,even if once,it is enough..

A wait long enough that even time has no words to describe,to write,
And again a wait of six months,as the cold winter passes,
She asks herself why punish yourself,for each day a part of her dies too,
Yet she tries her best,for the man on the other side,hundreds of miles away,to survive through this hell..

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