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Home ....
Have you ever thought what it is?

Especially for us,what does a home mean?

Does it mean a place with four walls,a roof,some food,some drinks,a bed?

Does it mean an enclosed space,yet all alone,when the night comes tossing and turning to fall asleep?

Does it means,walking alone on the streets,lost,without any destination?

Yes,it means all of these,yet there are some more,terms and conditions and benefits just for you and me...

When you finish your work,whatever you do,someone awaits for you,with open arms,

May be that can be a home...

When you feel like taking a break,someone being there,to hold you close and tell you,it's okay,donot give a damn..
May be that can be a home ...

When you wish to just smile silly with someone,
May be that can be home...

Where you are yourself,with no judgement,no pretence,no guilt,no bravery,just you..

May be that can be home...

Where you can cry,when you feel hurt,and someone is there for you..

May be that can be home...

Where there is no need to feel shame,where even your fear is accepted,where you being weak is accepted,yet your strength is known..

May be that is a Home...

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