Little Prince

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Hello there little prince...

Glad that we could meet..

The man with pot belly said to the prince..

But the prince looked at the man as if he was looking at an alien,speaking different language...

The man sighed..

You donot know me,you donot remember me,but I know you quite well..

You and me,we share a very beautiful bond..

You see the man standing there,cold,silent,my brother,twin to be specific...

We share a very amazing bond with you,my dear little prince..

And the prince looked at him in question,like really..

The man nodded,and in hushed voice told,we used to be your children in your past live...

You were this big king,with crown of gold,dragon as a chair...

And a very beautiful wife,and we your beautiful children...

But a witch separated you from our mother and us,took your memories,to claim you as hers...

Our mother became the sacrifice of that,you lost yourself,and the kind sister of our mother,who by the way loves you,took care of us ..

And the lady behind too put her hand on her forehead at the drunk babbles of the man,and the various expression of the little prince...

Finally the other brother pulled him away,to save the little prince from his past life..

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