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Donot cling to your past,I heard some day,read somewhere..

And I too gave up on the past,a childhood with very few good memories,

First and last time shared with someone,then silently kept it locked,or threw it away..

I donot even remember,when I laughed,for what I laughed,as I watched,

The parents of mine embracing children of others,as their own,even a dog needs more love..

Yet I threw it away,for it never mattered to me,what would wound a battered person..

And as I watch countless stories pass,like images,like tales,fairytales,

I wonder,how much should I throw away,how much more do I have,to live,to dare to hope

And for what should I hope,when there is no answer,to this prayer..

What to look for,what to dream for,what to wish for,when I donot even know you anymore..

Sometimes it even drives me insane,crazy when I feel so suffocated in this cage called world..

Yet every moment all I keep saying is,past is past,let it rest and move forward..

My JaanWhere stories live. Discover now