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In your sky,only for you,shines a star,

Though dim,little tired,weak,fragile,still she shines everyday..

So that the man far away,who she loves,yet so close to her heart knows,

No matter what comes,no matter what crashes on her,she would still dare..

Dare to hold on,dare to smile,dare to walk a step forward..

If you are there,if only you are there, that's all she needs,not to be lost in the cluster of stars in your sky..

May be you won't even notice her,the silent,dim star,quitely praying each day..

When shadows of greed,lust, obsession,anger,hatred tries to swallow her,

And she fights to survive,the battle of survival against the memory left behind..

Yet for you she tries to shine,no matter how little it may be,in the crowd of bright shinning stars...

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