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What questions do I have...

I asked myself..

Do I have to ask you,I wonder...

I have lots of questions,lots of whys,lots of dead ones to ask...

But my lips are sealed..

I would not ask anymore..

The questions that eat me alive,the questions that kills me without any weapon...

You know,I have already asked you numbers of time,the same questions...

Now,I donot even have anything to ask about..

Nor do I look forward to anything..

You know life has taught me a lesson,a brilliant lesson actually..

No matter how much it hurts,smile,
No matter how much it pains,swallow it..

No matter what happens,pretend that you are prepared..

May be one day you would know how to not expect..

So there is no questions I have,yet there are numbers of unanswered questions left behind..

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