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The last month of the year,the coldest, harshest winter I ever felt,

When I could not even own a shawl,for I didn't even want to own a thing..

Simple words broke me down,it felt like everything I had,it all crashed on me..

Drowning me in the pit of despair,burning me in self loathing,born out of haunting words...

Yes,it's easy to say,let go,relax,be happy,love yourself,and I also told myself..

Breath dear,take deep breaths,donot let it get you,silence your screams,drink your tears,

Let the wounds burn,but donot let it show,donot let it get you,otherwise you will die, without a grave in your name..

As the nights of December passed,the whole world celebrated New year..

Yet I again welcomed new storms,everyday,trying to hold on,trying to smile..

Each cold night,alone yet not alone,passed,with a hope,someone is there,for me too..

May be I am like December too,the December that everyone wish it would come quickly and leave quickly..

So that the celebration of New year begins with the fading December..

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