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Death by thousands cuts,slowly dripping blood,pooling beneath the knees of the kneeling woman..

Still there is not a sound out of that lips,still the eyes are closed,body still, breathe swallow..

Her sin,she knows,she is the eternal sinner..

Why care about a mortal kingdom's king's judgement..

It's better to bleed,let her blood flow,at least it can nourish something..

Let the darkness lingering underneath come and consume her,

Let the ghosts of past shread her skin and feast on her bone..

She never cared..

She will never care..

As the butcher stroked the last cut,headless her body,still kneeling,

He offered her head to his king,and his king too offered him something in reward,may be a pearl necklace,a field in his kingdom,some lands or something else..

She was the daughter of his enemy afterall,the one who was planning his downfall,wishing to make her brother ascend his throne..

The nights passed and from somewhere she watched,his own wife,his favourite woman,slowly feeding him slow poison..

And his skin darkening,the light disappearing from his eyes,as he helplessly heard the jarring words,the haunting laughter of his dear ones,on his deathbed..

Still she waited,somewhere near,for him to come back,look at her for once..

Still bleeding from the cuts in her heart ...

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