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That lady in red asked the man in white,why donot you try,try becoming a woman,and learn,how hard it is..

For a woman,to live,to love,to dance,to sing..

And the man in white looked at her,for few moments,and sighed ..

Who knew what the future hold...

The man who heart called her,with a flute he played,he sang the most heartbreaking song,for her ..

Following her foot steps he walked,behind her,yet never noticed,never called,never heard...

And a time came,when he left,himself for her,her wish came true,yet neither she knew anymore who he was...

When in place of the lady in red,stood a man,the most handsome man,and in the place of that man in white ,stood an woman,in white..

She could not even hold him close,for he was not hers anymore,still the heart cried,but long lost was the flute somewhere in time ..

Who hears the heart,who hears the flute,be it man or woman,it still calls for ..

Asking for nothing else except you,praying for nothing else but your happiness from afar,this time a woman breaks too...

So tell me what is the difference,in love,of a man and a woman?

The only difference is you are safe,happy,well,that is all I wish for ..

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