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Listen,you never answered,who am I to you,what do I mean to you,asked a girl in white to the boy..

The boy looked at her lost,and the girl looked at the direction and saw him looking at the beauty,famous in the campus...

She gently closed the book and left the library,leaving the boy sitting,staring at his crush..

Ahh,you were asking me,what you mean to me,right, asked the boy ever so casually..
And the bispectacled girl nodded her head vigorously,wanting to know the answer..
The boy looked at his crush and his friend,with dusky skin,always busy here there,absent for days,and said,you are my friend..

And that girl,in silence,that day cried tears of joy,holding her caretaker,she danced,played,for her to even be his friend,it meant a lot..

As she watched him get in relationship with the perfect girl he got,watch her brother,trying to make him jealous,only to be hurt..

She still smiled,wishing them a bright future ahead,she bid goodbye,for her time in that time had come to end..
With the memory of being his friend...

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